I just cant believe how much stuff has moved in our house since abigail arrived, the latest purschase of dads is fruit trees so when shes older she can climb the trees and pick the fruit. pity our gardens a jungle and niether of us knows much about gardening although my plant pots did well last year. Not sure what Abi thinks!!!
And whatever Ste says i dont think she wasimpressed with B and Q as she slept all the way through it.
Monday, 29 January 2007
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Daddy not blogged for a while and thought while a very special event happened today I would tell everyone... yes, Abi had her first trip to B&Q. Abi pointed out to daddy all the special clearance items on the table and we had good nosey and picked up some great bargains, dont think Lorna would admit it but Abi did enjoy herself.
We all went for a walk also today to Asda, then carried on to guess where (give you a clue it was lunch time).. yes another one of Abis favourite places, the chipshop! We ate them in the park then walked home, Mackie also enjoyed himself and shared the chips.
Yesterday evening we went to visit auntie Val & Gemma, Abi enjoyed herself being the centre of attention as usual. Having nothing else planned this weekend apart from army in the morning, daddy suffering from man flue at the moment and not feeling to well, Abi just brought up her bottle over Lorna and the dog sulking for being locked in kitchen for being naughty.. nothing changes.
Will hopefully blog again soon!
We all went for a walk also today to Asda, then carried on to guess where (give you a clue it was lunch time).. yes another one of Abis favourite places, the chipshop! We ate them in the park then walked home, Mackie also enjoyed himself and shared the chips.
Yesterday evening we went to visit auntie Val & Gemma, Abi enjoyed herself being the centre of attention as usual. Having nothing else planned this weekend apart from army in the morning, daddy suffering from man flue at the moment and not feeling to well, Abi just brought up her bottle over Lorna and the dog sulking for being locked in kitchen for being naughty.. nothing changes.
Will hopefully blog again soon!
Friday, 26 January 2007
I decided to be brave or prehaps stupid depending on your viewpoint. And took both Abi and mackie for a walk. Not an easy task Abi was as goodas gold wrapped up and snug in the pram macy was excitable and didnt semm to realise that run in front of the pram was a good idea as he then would get his lead tangled in the pram. But never the less we managed all though sterring one handed is not to be recommended.
The health visitor came yesterday and abi is now 8lb 9 0z. We again tried to open a bank account after a frustrating 30 mins i managed to finally get through the call centre and get an apointment. Turned up at the bank with Abi and her birth certificate only to be informed thy had no record of seeing any id of me and couldnt open the acoount till they had seen it this was a complete surprise as i have banked with them for about 14 years have arranged 2 morgates through them have a single current account a joint current account and savings. And this is also inspite of when trying to open a joint account them saying there details werent up to date as they introduce a new system and providing them with up to date details. Also i had taken in my marriage certificate in order to change my details. But apparantly all that does not allow you to open a savings acoount for a baby. As they cant bypass the computer and i had not taken any photographic id as i was told all i needed was Abi birth certificate as i banked there.
So we went from there to a building society where niether of us has an acoount and they opend an acoount and all they required was Abigails birth certificate mad or what??? Then i ended the day on a high note finding out a friend at church is expecting twins in July. Theres definatley something in the water what with 4 baby girls last year and already another arrival due in may. I cant wait though.
The health visitor came yesterday and abi is now 8lb 9 0z. We again tried to open a bank account after a frustrating 30 mins i managed to finally get through the call centre and get an apointment. Turned up at the bank with Abi and her birth certificate only to be informed thy had no record of seeing any id of me and couldnt open the acoount till they had seen it this was a complete surprise as i have banked with them for about 14 years have arranged 2 morgates through them have a single current account a joint current account and savings. And this is also inspite of when trying to open a joint account them saying there details werent up to date as they introduce a new system and providing them with up to date details. Also i had taken in my marriage certificate in order to change my details. But apparantly all that does not allow you to open a savings acoount for a baby. As they cant bypass the computer and i had not taken any photographic id as i was told all i needed was Abi birth certificate as i banked there.
So we went from there to a building society where niether of us has an acoount and they opend an acoount and all they required was Abigails birth certificate mad or what??? Then i ended the day on a high note finding out a friend at church is expecting twins in July. Theres definatley something in the water what with 4 baby girls last year and already another arrival due in may. I cant wait though.
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Saturday night and both macy and abigail needed baths sepratley of course. Ste had the choice of who to bath but opted for us bathing both jointly. So in went macy and after hed been scrubbed and ste was drying him, well fighting him for the towel. The bath was scrubbed and run for Abi. Not sure who managed to stay clean the longest though. On his morning walk macy managed to find some mud and to wade through it.
After two weeks of behaving at the Army this was the week that Abi decided to have a cry and of course it was during a quiet time but she soon settled. Although not entirley her fault as she had tummy ache. And of course as usuall she enjoyed all the cuddles.
We set out together yesterday and managed better with the pram and abi enjoys being out and looking at new things. The aim of the trip was to open a bank account for Abi. Who would have thought it so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can no longer just turn up to open an account but you must make an appointment easier said than done with a baby. So after quing up in the bank and then waiting we didnt manage to achieve our aim. And i couldnt try anywhere else as i had no prof of adress so we going to try to do it online ans see if thats more sucsessfull.
After two weeks of behaving at the Army this was the week that Abi decided to have a cry and of course it was during a quiet time but she soon settled. Although not entirley her fault as she had tummy ache. And of course as usuall she enjoyed all the cuddles.
We set out together yesterday and managed better with the pram and abi enjoys being out and looking at new things. The aim of the trip was to open a bank account for Abi. Who would have thought it so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can no longer just turn up to open an account but you must make an appointment easier said than done with a baby. So after quing up in the bank and then waiting we didnt manage to achieve our aim. And i couldnt try anywhere else as i had no prof of adress so we going to try to do it online ans see if thats more sucsessfull.
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
Abigail update
The midwife visited yesterday and she now weighs in at 8ib 6oz so doing well weve had two not so bad nights first night she was woken at 1130 for feed and slept till 5 last night she took ages to settle as suffering with colic but when she did she slept till gone 8
On monday we braved a walk in to town with the pram i seem to be getting better at manuvering it but as peter pointed out could still do with l plates. We came home by bus and abigail enjoyed it so much she went to sleep. Ste been busy in work which i think as helped him because he wanted to stay at home with us. Macy has been behaving but still stickin to plan apart from his toys hes still got them at moment.
On monday we braved a walk in to town with the pram i seem to be getting better at manuvering it but as peter pointed out could still do with l plates. We came home by bus and abigail enjoyed it so much she went to sleep. Ste been busy in work which i think as helped him because he wanted to stay at home with us. Macy has been behaving but still stickin to plan apart from his toys hes still got them at moment.
Sunday, 14 January 2007
New Years Eve
I know were out of sink but last night ste decided we have our new years eve celebration and a welcome to abi. Unfortunatley we didnt make it to midnight. So anyway Happy New Year.
Dady took the obligatory baby in bath photos yesterday to embarras her with when shes older.
We also picked up some thank you cards for Abi to say thank you for all the gifts she has recieved only thing is for her to learn to write now. Its so overwhelming the gifts and cards we have recieved and were so greatful. Its lovely chossing which outfit Abi is going to wear. I cant believe though how the addition of another person and a litlle one at that has more than doubled the washing.
Macy has been behaving and is much calmer although hedoes try to get on the sofa but he jumps up and curls up on you and just looks so cute. But he has been a good boy which means we can enjoy both Abigail and macy. Not sure what helped though wether changing his food to a hyperallegenic brand or us not spoilling him.
Poor ste is back to work tommorow and really dosent want to leave abigail. So im firmly on the night shifts now!!!!!!!! Apart from what Ste calls Daddy and Abigail time i think that will become even more precious to them both espically this week.
Dady took the obligatory baby in bath photos yesterday to embarras her with when shes older.
We also picked up some thank you cards for Abi to say thank you for all the gifts she has recieved only thing is for her to learn to write now. Its so overwhelming the gifts and cards we have recieved and were so greatful. Its lovely chossing which outfit Abi is going to wear. I cant believe though how the addition of another person and a litlle one at that has more than doubled the washing.
Macy has been behaving and is much calmer although hedoes try to get on the sofa but he jumps up and curls up on you and just looks so cute. But he has been a good boy which means we can enjoy both Abigail and macy. Not sure what helped though wether changing his food to a hyperallegenic brand or us not spoilling him.
Poor ste is back to work tommorow and really dosent want to leave abigail. So im firmly on the night shifts now!!!!!!!! Apart from what Ste calls Daddy and Abigail time i think that will become even more precious to them both espically this week.
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Day 14 Two weeks old
Im in trouble today i slept through Abi crying last night and ste had to get up to her. The health Visitor came today and i had Ste mithered todeath to make sure house was clean and tidy, not sure why! But they were very nice asked us loads of questions and gave us information. We took Abi to visit Auntie carol today and her cousin Beth (aged 2) thought it was brilliant to have a really baby in the house. She was less impressed with Uncle Ste despite him reading her two stories because he sat on care bears and then twice sat in her seat.
Daddy just started the three little pigs but didnt get far because Abi wasnt paying attention to him, so hes left it for today. But he has had Abi posing for pictured today and she did cooperate long enougth to get a couple of pictures so here is one of them.

Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Day 13 Seaside Trip
Abi settled well again last night but ste heard her about 3 so got up to her and fed her, she then slept till 8. Today was ste's Belated new year trip to Fleetwood and Blackpool for what else - you've guessed it chips. Abigail was really good only waking mid afternoon for a feed, but slept through the rest of the shopping and the sea at blackpool but did wake in Harry Ramsdens, Strange that!!!! Do you think Ste's teaching her early. She was then visited by her auntie Debbie who brought her loads of goodies and has thoroughly spoilt her. Heres a picture of her by blackpool tower with uncle peter and mummy. As you can see its typical seaside weather.
As for macy well he has been a bit quieter and is slowly getting the message about the furniture but does seem shell shocked by the change in behaviour from us. We going to remove toys tommorrow so not sure how he take that poor macy and its not his fault but ours for spoilling him.
As for macy well he has been a bit quieter and is slowly getting the message about the furniture but does seem shell shocked by the change in behaviour from us. We going to remove toys tommorrow so not sure how he take that poor macy and its not his fault but ours for spoilling him.
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
Day 12 :- psychologist
Ste came back from taking macy a walk and announced we all had an apointment with the psychologist at the vets. I thought he was joking turns out he wasnt he called in at the vets to enquire about macy having a little operation and they had advised an appointment with the behavourist. Even before Abigails arrival he was starting to challenge being told of particuarly by Ste and we were keen to stamp out this behaviour. So the three of us attended the vets and poor macy will not know whats hit him were not allowed to fuss him when we come home, hes only allowed his toys when we get them out to play with him, not allowed in whille were eating, no treats, not allowed on furnuture and if he growls were to walk out the room and ignore him. On top of a new person in his house. Poor Macy!!!!! But we will stick to it for his own good. And no they behavourist didnt have a couch for macy just treats to distract him whille talking.
As for Abigail well she was good last night settling at about 10 and sleeping till 5. But ste still checks her when she makes any noise. It was my turn last night and even though she was stirring a couple of times in the night she wasnt crying so i left her ste thought i fed her till he counted the bottles. But she soon settle back to sleep So if only ste could learn to switch off he might get the benifit of Abi sleeping through. The midwife came today and wieghed Abigail who has lost all that extra wieght and is now 8lb she is also getting more of Stes features and becoming a mix of us both and less of a mini lorna.
As for Abigail well she was good last night settling at about 10 and sleeping till 5. But ste still checks her when she makes any noise. It was my turn last night and even though she was stirring a couple of times in the night she wasnt crying so i left her ste thought i fed her till he counted the bottles. But she soon settle back to sleep So if only ste could learn to switch off he might get the benifit of Abi sleeping through. The midwife came today and wieghed Abigail who has lost all that extra wieght and is now 8lb she is also getting more of Stes features and becoming a mix of us both and less of a mini lorna.
Monday, 8 January 2007
Day 11 Supermarket Sweep
Abi made her first visit to a supermarket today, and was totally unimpressed and slept through the whole experience. Even looking at the clothes and toys so obviously dosent share lornas enthusiasim for shopping.
She has been a food monster today and been wanting a feed every couple of hours. As for macy well hes getting slowley more settled but still having his mad moments even though i keep warning him Abigail will get her own back soon.
She has been a food monster today and been wanting a feed every couple of hours. As for macy well hes getting slowley more settled but still having his mad moments even though i keep warning him Abigail will get her own back soon.
But as you can see finds daddy comfy.
Sunday, 7 January 2007
Day 10 Army Baby
Its official Abigail is an army baby. We took Abi to the army today and she managed to sleep through most of the service, she winged at the begining as she wanted changing then feeding but then slept through the rest of the service. Stange how things happen but the last song was my nans favorite simply trusting and it seemed so appropriate that we sang it today on Abigails first visit to the army i hope abi can have a faith like my nans and learn that simply trusting is all you need to do.
Abi then enjoyed all the cuddles and attention from her army family. Ste, abi and myself just want to say thank you for all the messages, texts, phonecalls, cards and gifts we have recieved and all the prayers for abis safe arrival. Abi is one very fortunate little girl and we are very greatful for all the gifts we have recieved.
Abi then enjoyed all the cuddles and attention from her army family. Ste, abi and myself just want to say thank you for all the messages, texts, phonecalls, cards and gifts we have recieved and all the prayers for abis safe arrival. Abi is one very fortunate little girl and we are very greatful for all the gifts we have recieved.
Saturday, 6 January 2007
Day 9
Im doing this as Abi is lying in her moses basket wide awake watching tv, (turner and Hooch) daddys choice. Today has been a bit of a reality check for us both, we had some worring moments with abi today and it does hit you when suddenley your mom and dad and supposed to have the answers. Abi however is fine and is currently wide awake enjoying time with her daddy. Abi may only be 9 days old but she is already a daddys girl and has him firmly wrapped round her little finger.
As for me i think everything has caught up with me today, plus the side effects of the antibiotics im on or prehaps i have overdone it since i got out of hospital but after a week being coped in i was in desprate need of fresh air. Iv had a quiet day today and spent the morning catching up on some sleep. Although Abi is good and cant be blamed forthe tiredness she settled again and i woke her about 2:30 for a feed and again slept till after 9 so we can hardley complain. Macy dog has been mixed in behaviour today but does seem to be getting more used to Abi but was bad this evening but not his fault as he was upset by fireworks going off. Were hoping to introduce Abi to her Army family tommorrow but we will see how we all feel in the morning.
Daddy took this of Abi watching tv while in our bed he claims Top Gear is her favorite funny that its daddys as well.
As for me i think everything has caught up with me today, plus the side effects of the antibiotics im on or prehaps i have overdone it since i got out of hospital but after a week being coped in i was in desprate need of fresh air. Iv had a quiet day today and spent the morning catching up on some sleep. Although Abi is good and cant be blamed forthe tiredness she settled again and i woke her about 2:30 for a feed and again slept till after 9 so we can hardley complain. Macy dog has been mixed in behaviour today but does seem to be getting more used to Abi but was bad this evening but not his fault as he was upset by fireworks going off. Were hoping to introduce Abi to her Army family tommorrow but we will see how we all feel in the morning.
Daddy took this of Abi watching tv while in our bed he claims Top Gear is her favorite funny that its daddys as well.
Friday, 5 January 2007
Day 8
Again abi settled at about 11:30 but started disturbing at 3:30 so i sorted her out before she could wake lorna. She settled at 4 and slept till after 9. So we not doing to bad for sleep. Macy arrived home this morning and hasnt behaved the best so far hes very excited and whats to see what abi is all about and a little bit jealous were trying to give him attention but also make sure abi is ok were hoping he will settle down soon.

I had to go in to work today so we took abi, so i could do the proud dad bit and show her off. Plus sort out my paternity leave so i can spend some more time at home. Then we did the important job of registering her birth and after much thought and a special moment when she was in special care and i looked at the baby then at lorna. We can now say she is official Abigail Lorna Richardson
I had to go in to work today so we took abi, so i could do the proud dad bit and show her off. Plus sort out my paternity leave so i can spend some more time at home. Then we did the important job of registering her birth and after much thought and a special moment when she was in special care and i looked at the baby then at lorna. We can now say she is official Abigail Lorna Richardson
Thursday, 4 January 2007
Abigails Arrival [ or as Ste says Gory Details]
As planned although we hadn't actually told people that was the plan i went into hospital on Wednesday morning at 8am to be induced. After first dropping Macy at mum and dads we arrived on the ward with a vague idea of the plan but very apprehensive of how it would pan out but excited we were at last going to see spud.
So after getting shown to my bed they attached me to a monitor to check on the baby. After a bit of hide and seek they finally managed to get a trace the Doctor then arrived to start the induction process and that's when reality hit that i was actually not leaving till the baby arrived and it wasn't going to be pleasant. I'm not going to go in to all the details as;
1. I'm sure not everyone wants to hear them and
2. i don't remember all that happened.
Its also when the waiting started. And for all those who have been in hospital they'll now time goes slowly. We had been told that if nothing happened they would repeat the procedure in 8hr time.
The day passed and nothing much happened Ste escaped at lunch time to get chips as he had not had chippy chips for two days and didn't know when he would next get chance to go. He did also bring me some food back. They then put me back on the monitor and again had to play a game of hide and seek then they repeated the procedure. While on the monitor i did get some minor niggles and we did see them on the monitor. We then started the corridor pacing to see if things would get going i have to say the corridor was uninspiring and so was Ste attempt to pass the time with i spy. I continued to have niggles some worse than others but eventually it looked like nothing much was happening so Ste was chased home. The midwife then suggested i had some painkillers which i was willing to have but also a sleeping tablet which i was less willing to have but she was very keen on this idea and as i didn't want to be any trouble and thought she knew best i agreed. Big mistake it did work for a couple of hours but then i woke and couldn't go back asleep and just felt really drowsy. But spud was staying put.
Next morning the doctor came early and said they would put me on the monitor and then one of them would come and check to see if there had been any progress. So i called Ste and he arrived nice and early. But nothing happened and then eventually they put me on the monitor and just as they found spud the doctor arrived. They then said i was ready to go down to labour suite,so we packed everything into the case with wheels Ste had insisted on buying and they walked me down to labour suite why Ste came case and all in lift. When we got there it was to find a welcome committee in the room as they were setting the drips up ready and there were no other patients down there it was a group effort. I have to say though the midwife and student looking after me were brilliant and supported us all the way.
Because of the diabetes i had to go on a drip of insulin and dextrose to control my sugar levels as your unable to eat. I also required a second drip to speed the contractions up and that also meant i had to be continuously monitored. Although spud had other ideas and the connection did vary. So this all meant i had to stay on the bed and couldn't move around. everything they did also meant the contractions started coming fast and were defiantly more than niggles, but then i found if i turned on my side they eased in frequancy although i don't quite think this was the idea. I had taken my mp3 player in complete with speakers so we had nice relaxing music playing in the background but the other stuff we took in for during labour stayed firmly in the bag including the tens machine as we were advised against it as i was induced. Ste was brill and kept holding my hand and in between contractions he kept himself topped up with food and drink.
I don't quite now when but at some point the niggles became very severe and although i kept breathing and squeezing Ste hand very tight it was obvious i needed some pain relief but i didn't want gas and air so it was time for an epidural and after seeing them done i cant say i was looking forward to it. But the pain was more unbearable so in came the anesthetist and she didn't seem to think i needed pain relief as i was quietly there breathing and holding Ste hand but i think Ste will tell you i did as i was holding his hand tighter and tighter. So in it went and Ste was brill holding me still and remembering his brother in laws advice don't look. And soon the pain was back to being a niggle. But then i start to become vague on details.
As i started having hypos they adjusted the rate but i was still staying low and this meant its like being in a fog you can hear but everything is in the distant. This was the point that Ste started worrying and wanted them to stop the drip as it became clear my sugars were staying low, Its also when became aware the severe pain was back but All i could do to let anyone know was to hold Ste hand tight and this was were he became my voice. So why we were waiting for them increase the dose of the epidural,spud decided he didn't like the drugs they were giving me. The doctor came in to look at the tracing and me apparently took a look at me and decided the consultant needed to see me.
I remember the consultant coming in and explain what was happen and the other doctor saying my colour has improved. basically spud didn't like the drug that they were giving me to help speed up the contractions but i was only progressing slowly, and they needed to turn the rate down which would make my contractions slower and we could continue trying but he recommended a Cesarean as i was tired due to the low sugars and spud wasn't happy, but we could keep trying but there didn't seem much point ans spuds safety was the most important thing.
It then became hetic with them getting me ready including taking the nail varnish off i put on the night before i came in with Ste asking why i was doing my nails!!! It was also where i started becoming emotionally thinking i was going to see spud soon. They took me round to get ready and Ste waited behind. It was very weird being awake and being taken for a operation. They were ll really nice explain what they were doing. Then Ste came in and sat next to me holding my hand and it was such a comfort to have him there. After a while they dropped the screen and held spud up saying look what you've got and i saw a baby girl and knew spud was now Abigail.
It was weird seeing this baby and knowing it was ours but then she was taking to be checked by the paediatrician, then she came and told us the baby was fine. Then all of a sudden there was a baby all wrapped up placed in daddy's arm and it was an amazing experience i have never felt emotion like it and then she was placed in my arms and i knew i would always love her. And seeing Ste holding her and overwhelmed i knew i had never loved him more and that i would always love him. Ste was brilliant he was there all the way through supporting and loving me,
The Midwife then took Ste and Abi back to the delivery suite as Abi needed to be fed because insulin passes to her from me they had to monitor her sugars as they can drop. They also needed to weight and measure her. I remember being in theater and hearing them finishing the surgery and thinking i can hold my baby again. But i had to go to recovery for 3o mins before they would let me back to the ward. I think that has to be the hardest and longest 30 mins of my life. I think Ste will now how i feel as he said the worst time was when they took me round to theatre and he had to wait for them to bring him round, and he was worried as he didnt know what was happening and did think they might have had to give me a general anaesthetic which they had warned us was a possibility if the epidural didnt work.
It was the best moment of my life when i was finally reunited with Ste and Abi. I went back to the room to see Ste sat nursing Abi and everything just felt so right and complete.
My stay in hospital saw me going through many emotions and frustrations, but Newyears eve when i was stood at the window looking at the fireworks, on the phone to ste wishing him new year and Abi was downstairs in the special care unit felling sad we wernt able to be together to see in the new year thankfully that i had a beautiful daughter who would soon be at home and so positive about starting a new year as a family will stick inmy mind. Aswill the day that Abi had to go down to the special care unit, Ste cme in and was holding here and you could see the relisation that she was his daughter and he just crumpled when they took her downstairs why we both knew it was for the best and that whille unwell she wasnt seriously ill. It didnt stop it hurtingand us felling lost as suddenly there was an empty cot and we couldnt hold her when we wanted as she was only aloud out of the incubator for feeds. But likewise the day ste pushed her in a pram whenshe was able to come back to the ward and i havenever seen him looking prouder.
Through all this ste has been amaizing and all that i needed and could have wanted
Day 7 Week Old
Abi had a good first night waking at 3:00 when i got up to her lorna promptly fell back asleep she eventually settled at around 5 and then slept till 9. She semms to be settling in ok and the midwife was pleased when she visited. She then had a busy evening with visitors and phonecalls. We cant believe all the beautiful gifts she has recieved she is one very spoilt girl.
Wednesday, 3 January 2007
Day 6 Freedom
Abigail and lorna came home today. Abigail had a good night and slept from 11;30 t1ll Lorna woke her at 5:30 for a feed.
She had to see the peadiatrician for a final check and everything was fine they just wanted a physio to see her before she left as her feet turn in a bit just from being cramped before she was born, but she soon got a clean bill of health.
However then Lorna need to be checked out as they were concerned
she had an infection and about her hypos, the doctor however decided that were sensible enougth to cope with the hypos at home so discharged her with antibiotics.

Abi getting ready to come home and all ready to escape.
Abigail called in to visit her great grandma and grandad before finaly making it home were daddy had decorated ready for her home coming. She has also enjoyed belatedly opening her christmas presents. I have shown Abi her new home and she seemed impressed with her bedroom but slept through the rest of the tour. Were hoping she has a good night sleep tonight (particularly as Lorna still looks washed out and in need of a nights sleep) in preperation for her visitors tommorrow.

And of course macy dogs return.
However then Lorna need to be checked out as they were concerned
she had an infection and about her hypos, the doctor however decided that were sensible enougth to cope with the hypos at home so discharged her with antibiotics.
Abi getting ready to come home and all ready to escape.
Abigail called in to visit her great grandma and grandad before finaly making it home were daddy had decorated ready for her home coming. She has also enjoyed belatedly opening her christmas presents. I have shown Abi her new home and she seemed impressed with her bedroom but slept through the rest of the tour. Were hoping she has a good night sleep tonight (particularly as Lorna still looks washed out and in need of a nights sleep) in preperation for her visitors tommorrow.
And of course macy dogs return.
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Day 5
Abi had Lorna up all night and still not feeding that well, Lorna looked shattered this morning. Abi blood cultures came back ok but they still wanted to continue with the anti-biotics but Abi had other ideas. When they took her at lunch time down to the special care unit to have her injection she again pulled it out of her hand. We only noticed this later when the doctor came up in the afternoon to check her. They then made the decision that instead of putting it back in she doesn't need any more anti-biotics which means she can come home tomorrow if she feeds ok :)
Day 4 - New Years Day
We went down this morning to see Abi and had a chat to the doctor, he was pleased she was doing so well that she could come up on the ward but still in an incubator and required the uv lamp, Lorna was very happy to get her on the ward. Last night Abi had pulled out the thing on back of her hand so the doctor had 2 goes at putting it back on so she could continue to have her anti-biotics - Abi was not impressed! I push her to the ward in a pram and she looked a much better colour and more alart. Better news still came at lunch time that she doesnt require the UV lamp anymore which means she could be in a normal cot. It was so nice to pick
her up and just hold her. Only trouble we had was feeding, Abi seems lazy and cant be bothered to feed unless its from a bottle.
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