Tuesday, 31 July 2007

piano lessons

Daddy decided he wanted to play a musical instument but is out of practice with his clarionet so decided to buy a keyboard. Well Mummy said she would get it him for christmas but he couldnt wait so brought it himself. He is getting better and can now play twinkle little star i like playin as well and here are some pictures of us.

Sunday, 29 July 2007


Because i have grown mummy and daddy brought me some new sleeping bags here is a picture of me in one.

Saturday, 28 July 2007


Auntie Julie asked Ste yesterday how long Abbi has been saying nanny and Dada to which he answered she hasn't she has babbled and sometimes it sounds like she is saying yes but as of yet it is just noise. But a few times today it has sounded like Abi has said dada the question is are they words or noise?

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Harry Potter - Day

When daddy had given me my bottle he got dressed but not in his work clothes, which i thought was unusual cause he only gets up early when in work. Then mummy was awake Even more unusual. Then daddy went to the shops and came back with a book for Mummy. Mummy said it was harry potter day. Not sure what she meant but she read a lot but daddy shouted at her cause she read the last chapter first. But she did manage to finish the book before bedtime . I think she enjoyed it cause she started to read it again.

We also went to a party it was my second cousins Loren but my aunties and cousins were there and nanny and granddad so i got lots of cuddles off people and got to stay up a little bit later than normal. There was a play area that my cousins went in but mummy says i was too small. But i did get some of mummy and daddys nice bread to eat.

Sunday, 15 July 2007

mummies birthday

here are some pictures of me and macy helping mummy open her presents. When she woke up Daddy brought her presents and cards up. Me and macy had brought her chocolates and lush goodies. Which she loved and both had got her a card. But then daddy got in to trouble because they had a limit and he had gone over it. Daddy had got Mummy a animal bag and t shirt, tickets to see Ray Quinn and a beautiful heart shaped necklace with pretty sparkles on it. Then he brought up presents off his momand dad and nan and grandad. then the day got busy when the nice lady from the flower shop arrived with flowers of me and daddy and grandma and uncle Peter. Then Grandma and Uncle Peter came with presents for mummy. Then later Auntie Julie called. Then we all went out we were going to the zoo but as it looked like rain we went shopping instead.

Thursday, 12 July 2007


Mummy took me to be weighed on Monday and i am now 18ib 7oz. Mummy says i can now have finger foods not sure what that means but i do like it when mummy gives me her food i had some toast for the first time and that was really nice but best of all is when i get chocolate buttons but im only allowed them occasionally and if i am good.

Me an daddy have been plotting for mummy's birthday i will let you know more after her birthday cause i don't want to spoil the surprises. Mummy said i am growing up so quick here is a picture of me in my new pyjamas mummy says i am older enough to wear them now.

Saturday, 7 July 2007


Yesterday i went to stay at Auntie Julies and i had great fun and always behaved like an angel (not always the case for mummy and daddy though) But best thing was she gave daddy a baby walker for me that was my cousins. I cant go anywhere yet as i cant touch the floor very well but once i can watch out world.

I have added tennis to one formula one to the favorite sports i like but mummy wasn't impressed as i was to busy watching to eat my tea. Daddy has been busy using the computer and i haven't been able to get on as much i think i might have to ask for one for my birthday. Best wait till mummy's is out of the way first though.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007


When we all got in tonight mummy said i had post but daddy thought she was being silly but she wasn't. Nanny and grandad had sent me a postcard from there holidays. As mummy was reading it to me i took it off her to have a good look at it or maybe throw it on the floor

That's is my favorite game at the moment picking up things and dropping them. We had visitors at the weekend they were very nice and gave me lots of smiles. They were from Cardiff, Cardiff canton songsters had come to visit and we had two of them staying with us. I enjoyed it when they played the timbrels i liked watching the ribbons. Mummy said they would have to buy me one when i got bigger but daddy says he has one i can have but mummy said it wasnt a proper one.

macy was in trouble tonight, mummy was having her tea and he grabbed a piece of her pizza and trie to pull it off her plate i thought it was funny but mummy didnt so he got locked out but that meant i got all daddys attention.