Friday, 29 February 2008

Secrets out

As i no longer fit in to my uniform, Ste has announced it on the blog and there are definitely people wondering and as i have had my scan we thought it was time to let people now. So secret is out and yes spud two is on the way. After saying we would have a quiet Christmas this year after our previous record i guess we couldn't help ourselves and we found out we would have an addition between Christmas and Abigails birthday. I was told my due date is 1st September by the hospital but my Gp said 31st August as its a leap year. But neither of much matter as they wont let me go to term so we are expecting the new arrival sometime in the middle of August so it will be another one to add to the 6 August family birthdays we already have.

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Naughty Behaviour

We have been seeing a different side to Abi recently. She dosent like it if you say no to her and normally the bottom lip comes out followed by tears. And at times she has a paddy. But at times she is looking to see if she can push the boundaries and dosent always stop when you say no so yesterday after being told no and carring on she got put on the sofa for a minuite and it seemed to work no tears and no paddy. Most people think she is an angel and say she is good as gold if they look after her but she did show her grandparents a glimpse of her temper today.

And showed us the difference between parents and grandparents, while were thinking she has got to learn not to do this and trying our best to ignore her why making sure she dosent hurt herself grandparents distract her and soon our happy abigail is back. Guess we have got a lot to learn.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

new tricks

Abi is developing new tricks all the time but we have to be carefully as she is coping things. When ste said shh to her and put his finger to his lip she copied but the finger ended up in her mouth, if you ask her what noise a dog makes she growls but only if she feels like doing it.

I took her to the drs yesterday for her mmr injection and another one and she was such a good girl sat quietly waiting reading her book. and when we went in she held on to ted and had a little cry but stopped when i gave her choc drops. Ste says she takes after me not sure why!!!!! But my brave little girl is now the proud owner of thats not my dolly and has entirley forgotten what the upset was about.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Happy Valentines day

Daddy is in mummy's good books this morning while she was getting me dressed the doorbell rang it was the nice lady from the florisit with some pretty flowers for mummy. Daddy also got a ballon wiyh a teddy on which matches her card. The got me a little dog with a heart for his nose only problem was macy liked it as well and decided to run off with it.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Happy Christmas

While watchin tv on Sat Ste suddenly said did i give you a dvd for Christmas to which i said no he said are you sure to which i replied i only had one dvd which was Harry Potter off Peter. He then disappeared and came back clutching a Bagpuss dvd to which he handed me saying Happy Christmas. He had put it away but forgotten to give me for christmas.

Monday, 4 February 2008


Mummy took me to the clinic this morning she said it was for my one year check. The Nice ladies called us in and gave me some nice toys yo play with. But why i was having fun they shouted my name. They talked to mummy and gave her a bag with some books and a tooth brush in. I couldnt wait to see the books but wanted to try and loose the toothbrush as i dont like having my teeth brushed.

Then they got mummy to undress me and weighed and measured me then the lady looked at my legs dont now why But at the end of it all they said i was ok and would see me in a years time. I now weigh 23 12 and i'm 75cm tall. To top it all i have got more teeth coming at the top and mummy says one of my back teeth at the bottom has come.

Saturday, 2 February 2008

New shoes-sore toe

My new shoes have rubbed my toe so while mummy was having her eyes tested at the opticians daddy took me and my shoes back to clarks. The swapped them for a bige pair but when daddy showed them to mummy she said they were no good as they were velcro fastenings and i am a expert at getting them off. So we had to go back again and this time i got a pair of brown and pink shoes with a buckle. Which are much more comfy and dont hurt my toe.