After a couple of weeks of
concern over ste he had started feeling a bit better. But today we headed to
broadgreen to see a consultant. He was very nice and explained things to us, Ste had to have another chest
xray and the lymph nodes are still enlarged. He
defiantly has
sacoid but they
dont no how people get it and there is no cure for it but in most case it goes. Because
ste has a bad cough which is
probably due to his asthma he did give him steroids which should help that as well as the rash on his legs. Ste goes back in four weeks and if the rash is the same he will send him to a dermatologist. But in him self he is a lot better the pain in his joints has improved the main thing is a cough. But things are improving and at least we now what is
likely to happen now and the uncertain has gone. So once again i have a lot to be thankful for and most of all for the fact that
Jesus has been the
source of all i have needed the last few days.