Thursday, 30 October 2008

contary mary

after a summer of refusing to wear hats and last winter losing mittens as soon as she could Abigail has changed her mind. And cried when i took her mittens of in the shops and then when we got home she asked to have her hat back on and so had her pj and a pink stripped in the night garden hat on. she has also taken to having bobbles in her hair although refuses clips and looks so cute with pigtails in.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Music lessons

Abi has been reaching up to ste keyboard to play it so after tea he has moved her chair round so she can have a go.
Only problem is that she manages to do things that daddy hasnt got a clue how she does.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Can we fix it?

Ste came home last night with his new toy a carpet cleaner as his old was is passed repair. But he couldnt wait so started to build it and of course found abigail the builder was helping .

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

who needs a bed

were a bit worried about abi as she seems to prefer the floor to her bed. Tonight i was after a bit of peace so after putting abi in to bed i went in to our room but shut the door so abi wouldnt come in but would go back to her own bed. But no she curled up on the floor and went to sleep. If she disturbs in the night ste sleeps on her floor still she settles but now she climbs out snuggles with daddy and goes to sleep he then returns her bed but then often wakes to find her back next to him. It does make you wonder why we brought her a bed. But then when you leave her on her own she does get out and play but then does climb into bed and go to sleep.

Monday, 20 October 2008

who did it

We had put abi to bed and thought she was asleep we also had got sam ready for bed and he was in his cot and we were both doing jobs upstairs before coming down for peace and quiet. When we heard sam mobile play now i do set it off before leaving him but we looked at each other thinking he couldnt have set it off. We were right someone was up and in his room it was abi

Sunday, 12 October 2008

new pram

As you can see Abi approves of the new pram

Saturday, 11 October 2008


Abi has been to the army this evening for the harvest supper and been as good as gold and had a good time despite it being past her bed time. Towards the end of the evening hot drinks were served and i had some biscuits on my plate. Abi picked up a biscuit and dunked in my tea with no hesitation. Much to mine and Ste amazement. We not sure where she got this from as not something we do.

Friday, 10 October 2008


Auntie Dora has had her results it was quite a large tumour, and one she knew about for a while but didn't go to the Dr's sooner because of auntie Ann being ill. She now needs to have radiotherapy for three weeks but is doing ok. Auntie Ann is recovering slowly and has now been moved from rehab ward to a nursing home to recover further before going home. But understandable remains nervous.

Monday, 6 October 2008

oh yes you will

abi was determined to give sam his bottle even if he didnt want it.


I put abi down for a nap and heard some thuds as she got out of bed and was fetching books after a bit i went to check on her and found her cuddled up with a packet of biscuits. She had took them out of daddys drawer and took them to bed with her.

Sunday, 5 October 2008


snug as a bug in a rug

Saturday, 4 October 2008

another cute moment

Abi tries to help in her own way and follows you round dusting but her latest is i usually leave her clothes out for the next day on her little chair so Ste can find them and so he doesn't need to decide what she is wearing. But abi now takes her clothes and puts them on the clothes maiden thinking she is helping. So there now go on the back of the door.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Me and mummy went to the dentist so he could count my teeth i didn't mind that but when he tried to put something on them i wasn't going to let him. Afterwards mummy said to daddy it was fluoride and it was to get me used to having things done but i hope he doesn't do it again. But he did say my teeth were ok and i should have them all by the time i go again. Then he counted mummies. When we came out the lady gave me stickers but best off all mummy gave me a Wendy figure and when we got home she had a bob live dvd which is my favorite video at Nanny's and grandads so now i get to watch it at home as well.