As we face the new year i dont face it with as much peace and hope in my heart as normal. This year we will find out which school Abi will start in september and i cant believe she will be going to school, we also concerned that we will get her in to a good school. Then there is getting her to scholl and picked up after school while i am at work. Our favorite school is also the futherest away so we also need to sort out getting there the days i dont work. There is also ste job as we are not sure what will happen as there is a futher threat of redundances.
On the good side there is what to do for mums birthday as she is 70 this year. Whatever happens i now that me and ste will face it together. I also know that god has a plan for our lives and we need to trust in that plan even though we dont always agree with it.
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Abigail seems to have changed her mind about Father Christmas and has been asking lots of questions. First of all want he is doing and we told her he is having a rest so now she keeps saying Father Christmas is having a rest. Then today she wanted to know why he comes down the chimney.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
All grown up
I cant quite believe that Abigail is 4 today.... But whats even more unbelievable is the way in the last couple of weeks she has suddnley become so grown up....She has had a very busy day today opening presents this morning then lots of visitors this afternoon and more presents. Followed by a party tea with her toy story cake
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Size matters
My mum said to Abigail that she would see her on Tue when she would bring her Birthday present round Abigails reply is it a big one..................
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Happy Christmas
Abigail said today she likes Christmas......She has been an angel all day and think she had a great day....Sammy was brighter this morning and managed to enjoy the morning he loved his bike but didnt like it when ste tried to move it out the way he didnt like that. He opened some presents then had a sleep and opened the rest. Grandma and Uncle Peter arrived at breakfast time with lots of parcels. This afternoon we went to ste mom where the rest of the family where, Abi had great fun with her cousions but poor sammy was very quiet but did brighten up at tea time.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Christmas eve
The presents are under the tree the santa sacks and presents out. Turkey ready to go in vegtables done table laid cake iced so i am chillin with a j2o and looking forward to a great day tomorrow just hope sammy feeling better and able to enjoy the day
He has been a bit brighter today and we are hoping he will stay in his own bed tonight, however he was not impressed with his christmas pjs. Had a good day today managed to get stuff sorted and even started next years christmas shopping. And best of all ste came home early and were all together now till the 4th.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Poor ste
We have a very poorley little man he not been well all week but today al he has done is cried and ste has nursed him all day. So poor ste has had to go out tonight to finish his christmas shopping. Abi seems ok at moment but we think sammy has flu were just keep his fluids up and giving him calpol and nurofen and hope he is better for christmas.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Abigails face was a picture as she was opening her christmas cards from Nursery. She got so much pleasure from each card. It reminded me to slow down and to think about christmas and its true meaning and to stop with the hustle and bustle of christmas and take pleasure in the simple act of giving.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
tiny bit hungry
Abigail was doing her usuall and saying she was a tiny bit hungry and asking for diffrent things to eat she asked for cake and i said we did not have any to which she replied toy story cake. The toy story cake is her birthday cake
Monday, 20 December 2010
Christmas Bear
Not been feeling great since Thursday but ste been looking after me he went out tonight on some errands and returned with the cutest christmas bear for me
Friday, 17 December 2010
Cant believe its been 5 years since she got married, but they have been an amaising 5 years. But it has caused poor abigail some confusion as to why mummy and daddy were opening presents but she couldnt open presents from under tree and it wasnt her birthday. Then she asked me to make the snow go away. Then later she said she wants to get married when she is older i told her she has got to find someone as good as her daddy... Then she said she wants to share mummy and daddys sweets she is very good at sharing things that are not hers.... had a great night out with ste in the snow and it wasnt bungee jumping it was a trip on the big wheel and a walk round the shops in the snow.......thank you ste for a perfect day love you. I have to say though the biggest memory will be seeing ste when it started snowing he was like a kid in a toy shop. It was fun althoug reality hit when we set off home it took us about 1h and 20 mins to get home and we even saw snow ploughs. And of course poor macy dog whos dog flap wouldnt open for snow who then disappeared into the garden and was lost in the snow
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Sammy out playing
Tonight we all back in from work and nursery but sammy was still out. He had gone with nanny and grandad and his cousins to celebrate his Auntie Carols birthday. He had a great time at frankies and Bennys, eating his share and returning with a ballon
Monday, 13 December 2010
Ste plotting
only 4days to go to ste plotting is reavealed as usual he is trying to convence me he is taking me bungee jumping for our Anniversary he done this for the last 5 years i dont think he is................
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Proud Mummy and Daddy

Were both very proud parents this evening. Her Angel Abigail was a star and did everything she had to including distoying her halo. As for her little shepherd he slept through first service and did make a brief appearance but was more intrested in playing with his shepherds crook than sitting still.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
I could nerver understand the length some parents went to too get there child into the right school.........but im starting to........not that we can do anything our only option would be to change religion and thats not an option i am just going to trust that she will get into the right school for her............As for completing the form online i think i do it by hand.........
Busy Saturday
someone needed to tell ste that its saturday he had me out of the house at quater past eight this morning. On the upside though we got loads of jobs done and he brought me breakfast. Abigail has been funny today at tea time when ste asked her if she wanted any of mum's noodles and she said no but asked him if he liked them. Ste said no he didnt like them and abi asked him had he tried them when ste said no she told him she should. Good advice but pity she wont try new things
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Cute and Mischief
Abigail has been cute today i gave her some ear muffs and she said that has made me happy..............Sammy has been in mischief in to everything and anything have not been able to leave him alone at all
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Been to looka at a school today cant believe how much things have changed. Great school would really like to get Abi into it but chances not great. But can only hope and pray we will get her into the right school for her.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Lost Mitten
Went in to town today with sammy has had some stuff to do but came back minus a mitten now i know why we allways has elastic on ours.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Hopes and Fears
Went to Speke hall with the songsters tonight. And it had the purpose of making it feel like christmas, and bringing back memories. We sang o little town of bethlhem and aa always it reminded me of our wedding. But i came back yet again to the line that says all our hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight. Which was the reason i chose it for our wedding but it made me think tonight. on my wedding day i had lots of hopes not any fears as i knew i was marring my true love and i had no doubts about us. I guess as i look back a lot of those hopes have come true and i knew we have been very fortunate as we have too healthy beautiful gorgeous children and a mad dog. There are regrets at times that dad did not get to spend longer as a grandad. My life with ste has been amaising and even throught the bad times he has been my rock. As we come up to our fifth anniversary and face a new year i do have some fears about the future not to do with us but to do with worries of bringing the kids up and jobs. But i knew that with ste and my firnds and family by my side and god. That things will be ok
Infact those hopes i had have been more than meet.
Infact those hopes i had have been more than meet.
We headed to Warrington this morning and i must admitt i thought it would be mad and we wouldnt get anything done. But it wasnt to bad and i managed to stock up on stuff at lush and then ste managed to do so some secret shopping with Abi and then me and Abi got new boots. Having a quiet afternoon doing jobs. Tonight im heading out to speke hall with the songsters looking forward to it i think it will be very christmasy.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Change of paln
Ste started the tradition of going to fleetwood then on to blackpool for chips on new years day, long before we meet. And every year we have kept this tradition apart from the year we went a week late due to abigail being born. We decided none of us were well enougth to make the journey and instead went to cheshire oaks, a bit concerned because we thought it would be mad. However it was quiet but as for shopping apart from a christmas present for ste sister ans summer coats for the kids we came home empty handed. but had a nice trip anyway with chips
Its countdown time 24 days till Christmas 27 days till Abigails Birthday and 16 to our Wedding Anniversary. The plans for christmas our going well the presents our brought and wrapped. the cards are half done. The cake only needs icing and the decorations are up. Although not so sure ste is organised.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Abigail amazes me at times not only was she so cute and good in reharsal for the carol service but last night when we were putting christmas decorations up i pointed and said Baby jesus and before i could say anything she said mary and joseph.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
This morning = one very grumpy sammy one equally grumpy and cross daddy. One happy daughter one tired mummy oh and macy is staying out of trouble sitting in front of the fire. And then when we got back from the Army we returned to a sleeping sammy a busy daddy..still with a tired mummy and a happy abigail and a mackie dog in front of the fire
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Brought the last christmas present today although ste says he has some still to get!!!!!!!
And got Birthday presents sorted for ste Mum
And got Birthday presents sorted for ste Mum
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Ste you have made me laugh. Wiped my tears. Hugged me tight. Watched me
succeed. Seen me fail. Cheered me on. Kept me going strong. You are a promise from God that I will have a friend forever. i love you xx
succeed. Seen me fail. Cheered me on. Kept me going strong. You are a promise from God that I will have a friend forever. i love you xx
Monday, 22 November 2010
Abi and Sammy
The health visitor came to day to hear sammy talking but he wouldnt speak but when it was time to go he gave her a hug and said bye bye see you.......... Meanwhille abi went off to hope with Grandma. And i am so proud of her because when a little girl was upset and wanted to play with her jessie doll abigail let her.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Bad Head
Not a good day today i have still got a sore head after sammy wacked me with Abigails doras plastic backpack this morning and then ste elbowed me in the same place think i should go to bed and forget about today
Friday, 19 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Back to Front
Abigail is all back to front today when it was time to get up she wanted her nighte on and when it was time to get changed her clothes on. And at bathtime she was clean and getting in the bath makes your dirty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Sammy has been funny today..Ste Mum took him out and they went for lunch and she put him some dinner on a small plate but he didnt like that so he put it back on her plate and eat her dinner.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
well she's right
came downstairs this morning to find abi standing on her upturned plate. So i asked her why she was standing on it? her reply because its empty!!!!!!!!!!!!! ste response well shes right!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 8 November 2010
spent the whole night on the edge of the bed being squashed by a two year old who somehow manages to take the rest of the bed up........
We were then joined by Abigail..........
We were then joined by Abigail..........
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Just been bathing the kids and why sammy thinks its funny to have his hair rinsed Abigail hates it. As ahe was shouting she didnt want her hair doing Sammy started laugh and telling her she was silly. Its not often sammy gets the upper hand but it so cute when he does
Friday, 5 November 2010
November 5
its been 6 years since we first meet and they have been an amaising 6 years. And we cant believe its been 6 years since the fireworks started for us. but we have still never seen the firework display. But talking about the fireworks poor mackie dog dose not like them and is making sure we know
At the age of 4: Mum knows everything! At 8: Mum knows a lot! At 12: Mum doesn't really know everything! At 14: Mum doesn't know anything! At 16:Mum doesn't exist. At 18: She's old fashioned. At 25: Maybe mum does know about this! At 35: Before we decide, let's ask Mum. At 55: I wish .........Mum was here. At 75: I hope I did as well as ......MY MUM.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Blackpool lights
We all headed to Blackpool this afternoon first to fleetwood wher we manage to do some christmas shopping and the fish and chips for tea. Followed by the lights Sammy loved them Abi wasnt sure at first but then did like the butterfly and hickery dickery clock.
Friday, 29 October 2010
New Scarfs
sammy does not like things with sleeves in and will only wear one particuarly fleece. So we have been having daily battles to get him to put his coats on. Yesterday i brought them both new hats and scarfs and was getting ready for a battle with him when he asked to put on his hat gloves and coat.............heres hoping it continues
Daddys New Toy
Daddy has been busy playing with his new phone, Mummie says it his new toy but it dosent look like something i would want to play with so not sure what makes it a toy.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
New Sofa
The new sofa has arrived today we are busy sorting the room out and the kids have been told the new rules no jumping, standing drawring shoes or eating wheatbix on the sofa. The only thing is sammy does notlike the new layout and keeps saying back back
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Bad Hair day
i asked abigail this morning if she liked my hair this morning and she said no... then she said tonight she will cut my hair with her scizzors............Not sure if this means i need an image change but im definatley hidding the scizzors
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Abigail told me to day she had tomato soup at nursery so i said do you want to have soup at home. Abigail reply was no eat soup at nursery not at home. I did think i was an ok cook but not so sure anymore
Favorite time of Year
My favorite time of year getting ready for presents wrapped and sorted all ready to be hidden at grandmas
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Daddys Christmas Present
just aaked Abi what we should get daddy for christmas first she said a cho cho train then a golf ball then she said she will pick a toy for him
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
poorley Abi
Abi been feeling rotten all day fell so guilty had to leave her to go to work. Took back to drs not infectious thankfully. has just been the brightest she has been all day now its betime. But she is still better at not taking her medcine than we are at getting her to take it!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Self Service
just called at stes mom and she puts the kids things in a bag for them coming home. but then sammy decided he would look in her kitchen cupboards and put a few thing in his bag as well. So he came out with a bag of tins that he couldnt lift but wouldnt let go off ether. Made us all laugh
Saturday, 2 October 2010
is frustrated abigail just took calpol without a fuss and even licked the spoon she says the one antibiotic is yuk and the others is for boys. We have tried everything to get her to take this medcine even bribry and all has failed
is frustrated abigail just took calpol without a fuss and even licked the spoon she says the one antibiotic is yuk and the others is for boys
Friday, 1 October 2010
One New jessie Doll
Abigail at doctors = one new jessie doll. Poor abi not well just slept this morning till i took her doctors. She has a chest infection so hopefully will improve now on antibiotics thats if she will take them
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
woke up this morning with air in her lungs, a beat in her heart, and her best friend in the whole world laying next to her. Life is as it should be.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Cough Mixture
ste said to Abi this morning i will give you some cough medicine. Abigail replied daddy its cough mixture not medicine
Friday, 24 September 2010
whille Abi and Sammy were playing Abi kept telling sammy to go to sleep if only it was that simple.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
abigail had her first spannish lesson today. She was very excited but then couldnt remember what she had learnt
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Samuel 2nd Birthday
Friday, 17 September 2010
Busy Day
Today has been a day of celebration and thanks. First of all we were very privvilaged to be present at Gemma and Craigs wedding. Although ste was very worried about the responsibillity of taking the pictures. The day was great day were there love for each other and others shone. Then we heard about the safe arrival of Matthew. So relieved that heis saftley here and both him and Deb are well
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Ste mum and Dad have been sorting stuff out as they are having new boiler fitted. Sowe have been reunited with out top layer of our weeding cake. It looks as it did on the day and brought lots of nice memories back. Only thing is what to do with it now
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Abi was so cute yesterday went to nursery clutching her scrapbook fron holidays to show at nursery then had to show nanny and grandad she is so grown up at times
Friday, 10 September 2010
Holiday memories
Had great last day but fav memory would be sitting next to sammy looking at the river ane enjoying the peace and sammy looking at his chocolate buttons....
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Play time
had a great day weather been great visited an adventure park where the kids including the big kids had a great time. Abi didnt like it when daddy took her down the slide and got her wet but loved everything else and even reasured mummy as daddy persuaded her on the tobbogin ride and it started i had to ask abi if it was scary!!
Abigail even surprised us by going on a swing that went round and higher she went on that twice. But loved the little playgrounds particurly the wild west one with all the little houses including a school a church and even a jail
Abigail even surprised us by going on a swing that went round and higher she went on that twice. But loved the little playgrounds particurly the wild west one with all the little houses including a school a church and even a jail
Saturday, 4 September 2010
took mackie to the kennels yesterday and then did some errends and when we got back Abi said mackie gone. It does make things easier to sort without him here but the house didntseem right somehow.
But were in the caravan now and its better than we thought the kids did well coming down although tv where a life saver. Good run managed to arrive for lunch. Visited Daddys favorite place trago mills. Now were all settled looking out at the river ready to enjoy our holidays together
But were in the caravan now and its better than we thought the kids did well coming down although tv where a life saver. Good run managed to arrive for lunch. Visited Daddys favorite place trago mills. Now were all settled looking out at the river ready to enjoy our holidays together
Thursday, 2 September 2010
missing one blue dummy, reward for finding it a mothers sanity plenty others in house but no he wants the blue one we been weaning him off it in the day but wont go to sleep without it and we had a bad night with him last night so not sure what to do
Sunday, 29 August 2010
New Room
Sammys new room is ready winnie the pooh has gone and replaced with cars bikes trains and planes. Definatley a little boys room now
Friday, 20 August 2010
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
toy shop
has had another traumatic day....decided to take sammy to toy shop to spend his birthday vouchers and he ran in to the corner of a shelf cutting his head have to say the staff were great and looked a lot worse than it was but he got a birthday present from the shop for it and it was his own fault..
Monday, 16 August 2010
Brave girl
Abigail was such a brave girl when she went for her injections......went a lot better than we thought a little bit of bribary of helped...Only thing is daddys upset because she got a lollipop for being good and he dosent get one when he has to go.............
Sunday, 15 August 2010
The sun is out
This morning Abi was full of beans but the rest of us were not but when me and ste tried to stay in bed she shouted wake up cant sleep the sun is out....
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Has had a great but long and tiring day.... Sammy and Abi have had a great day..The Weather has been kind and its been great to spend time with friends and family. Only thing is the Birthday boy fell asleep before we did his cake and now hes had a nap he is full of beans and i think mummy and Daddy will be asleep before him......
Friday, 15 January 2010
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