Wednesday, 29 June 2011

medcine time

cant believe only 1 day of hols left lots of great memories love the fact that sammy really been able to enjoy things love the fact he has got a tan and Abi even got freckles......but dont think i will ever forget Abi being so serious and telling ste he had to take his medcine

Friday, 24 June 2011

left bude on way to torquay had a great week despite ste having a poorly car kids have had great time, we have chilled and even managed to go body board last night. Ste celebrated fathers day, the kids went bowling for the first time and the girls won, they both loved it but sammy got bored and soon gave up.

Saturday, 18 June 2011


finally settled arrived at 3pm after stopping at stes award winning chippy at barnstaple and then Alantic village so the kids could have a walk. been to see nanny and grandad and kids had fun on the park. Abi and Sammy were so good on way down both really excited to be on holiday

Friday, 17 June 2011

Holiday preperation

is wondering why she spent the day cleaning when it will all need doing again when we get back. Also not sure what has happened but both kids went to bed without any hazzle bude here we come

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


the good news is my wet suit still fits after 5 years and two kids the bad news is a shark has been spotted off cornwall

Saturday, 11 June 2011

i'm telling

It comes to something when your 4yr old tells you she is going to tell grandma on her................and all because she couldnt get her own way

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Spike has come to stay........
spike being the nursery cuddly that comes to spend the weekend and you write about his adventures