Monday, 29 October 2007
Sunday, 28 October 2007
All i Want for Christmas
Daddy has been saying that he is going to find a copy of the song "all i want for Christmas is my two front teeth" As there has been no sign of my front teeth cutting through despite the fact mummy and daddy keep saying you can see them in the gums. This morning daddy said he thought he could see a tooth peeping through. I thought brilliant he wont be able to sing that song but when mummy looked it wasn't one of my front two teeth but one next to them. I hope they come before Christmas. Mummy says its eight weeks away but there already busy planning for Christmas and went to look at decorations last week. I will have to look in my money box and get some money to go shopping for mummy and daddy's presents.

Heres a picture of me and daddy, Daddy says he dosent know where i get my cheeky face from, but mummy says she doesits from daddy. What do you think?
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Little Ted
We went to visit Auntie Deb today, mummy says shes not been well. She has started her treatment to make her better but that made her fell unwell. But she is ok at the moment.
After that we went shopping Mummy and Daddy went to see if they could get me another bear. As i have taken to one that daddy named little ted and he now goes everywhere with me and i need him to go to sleep. But he is getting grubby and i think mummy and daddy are woried in case i lose him. I got upset in the shop as the lady had hold of ted while she looked to see if they had any but i was ok once i got him back. They didnt have any the same they had some bigger ones and some that were signs for the car so i will just have too take care of little ted. But they did buy me a new book. It was a winnie the pooh book but one in which you can touch the pictures.
After that we went shopping Mummy and Daddy went to see if they could get me another bear. As i have taken to one that daddy named little ted and he now goes everywhere with me and i need him to go to sleep. But he is getting grubby and i think mummy and daddy are woried in case i lose him. I got upset in the shop as the lady had hold of ted while she looked to see if they had any but i was ok once i got him back. They didnt have any the same they had some bigger ones and some that were signs for the car so i will just have too take care of little ted. But they did buy me a new book. It was a winnie the pooh book but one in which you can touch the pictures.
Friday, 26 October 2007
Terrible twos early
When does the terrible twos start? My little Angel now doesn't like it when you say no. She has a particular liking for phones and remote controls and has taken to having a paddy if you take them off her. It doesn't seem to have stopped her determination to get them we even brought her a toy phone but she just throws that away as its not the real thing.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Pester Power
We were watching TV when the adverts were on the one for the free Mr men toys with persil came on and Ste commented as if you would buy persil just so you can get the free toy. My reply is just wait a couple of years until Abi is asking for things. I am certain that firms now just now how powerful kids pester power can be.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Mummy not been very well so its been quiet at home. (well that's what daddy said when she lost her voice) So we haven't done much. I went to see grandma and uncle Peter on Saturday, Uncle Peter played with me even though the football was on football he was very pleased because Liverpool won. We had a quiet day on Sunday as we stayed in apart from going to see Nanny and Grandad but we were not long cause me and Daddy wanted to watch f1 it was very exciting but sad as my fave Lewis Hamilton didn't win. Macy's been naughty he has been barking a lot so he keeps getting locked in but Mummy says it not his fault as fireworks keep going off. Mummy had an ice lolly to help her sore throat but i kept taking it off her as i thought it tasted nice it was also nice on my gums.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Come on the saints
I'm getting ready to watch the cup final Grandads coming round to watch it with daddy and I'm all ready with my teddy.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Mummy says that i am growing up so quick so here is a update on some of my new found skills.
I am now moving places on my bottom but i make sure that no one sees me its great i can now get to things that are put out of my way. I am also trying to pull myself up to stand and i can stand if someone helps me up first but then i get bored and sit down. i am also now able to clap my hands. I am also getting good at feeding myself.

Sunday, 7 October 2007
Uncle Peter Present
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Arthurs Special day.

Monday, 1 October 2007
Holiday Update
I went to bed as normal but mummy said we were off on holiday in the morning i didn't now she meant so early!!!!! Because when i woke up i wasn't in my cot but in my car seat at Nanny and Grandad and daddy was attaching something to the back of the car. He said it was grandads caravan and we were staying in it for our holidays. We then set off mummy put a DVD on for me to watch but i soon fell asleep. When i woke up it was breakfast time and we stopped for breakfast.
Then we set off but i was a bit bored so we stopped so daddy could get my toys from the caravan, i was then quite happy till dinner time. When we stopped for dinner i got a balloon which we had fun playing with i then watched a bit more DVD and fell asleep. And when i woke Mummy said we were there not sure where but it seemed nice. Daddy and mummy sorted some stuff out and then i got to go in the caravan. Here is a picture of me with mummy when we arrived

I went to bed as normal but mummy said we were off on holiday in the morning i didn't now she meant so early!!!!! Because when i woke up i wasn't in my cot but in my car seat at Nanny and Grandad and daddy was attaching something to the back of the car. He said it was grandads caravan and we were staying in it for our holidays. We then set off mummy put a DVD on for me to watch but i soon fell asleep. When i woke up it was breakfast time and we stopped for breakfast.
Then we set off but i was a bit bored so we stopped so daddy could get my toys from the caravan, i was then quite happy till dinner time. When we stopped for dinner i got a balloon which we had fun playing with i then watched a bit more DVD and fell asleep. And when i woke Mummy said we were there not sure where but it seemed nice. Daddy and mummy sorted some stuff out and then i got to go in the caravan. Here is a picture of me with mummy when we arrived

It was very warm when we got there so we all got changed and headed for Wolacombe.


After a good nights sleep in my new cot, were i was all cosy, i was up and ready to enjoy the day. Here i am waiting for breakfast and enjoying grandads caravan. We then set off for ifracombe and here are some pictures of us there.
After looking around,daddy was happy because he had some nice chips, we headed into the aquarium which i enjoyed as i like looking at the fish,
Probably the quietest and wettest day we headed for the shops and daddy brought me a new toy just like the one i love playing with at nanny and grandads.
We decided to go for a walk after tea but it started raining so we sheltered for about 10 mins then as it brig
htened up we carried on to explore Morthoe
here i am playing with my new toy
Following that we drove down some very steep and narrow roads, mummy said we were in exmoor and looking for doone valley. Because theres a story called lorna doone and it was based in exmoor and you can visit the valley were the doones lived. And of cause that's Mummy's name apparently grandad read the book and loved the name. It was a pretty place and we had tea well mummy had tea and scones me and daddy had ice cream . Then daddy got to fulfill an ambition that of driving through water i think it was called a ford. Not sure why though!!!!!

probably my best day. Mummy and Daddy said they were taking me to see the big sheep. I didn't think it was very exiting to see a big sheep. But it was a big park with lots of animal and fun things to do. I enjoyed the animals and going on the tractor and train. I think daddy liked the brewery show and the tasting as well as the sheep racing. Why mummy enjoyed the dog trials and the tractor safari. I came home with a bright yellow sheep to remind me of the day only thing is i have never s
een a yellow sheep.

And on the way back to the caravan daddy used his navigation toy to find a chip shop and it found him an award winning one. And it has to be said they were the best he had all holiday
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