Daddy has been saying that he is going to find a copy of the song "all i want for Christmas is my two front teeth" As there has been no sign of my front teeth cutting through despite the fact mummy and daddy keep saying you can see them in the gums. This morning daddy said he thought he could see a tooth peeping through. I thought brilliant he wont be able to sing that song but when mummy looked it wasn't one of my front two teeth but one next to them. I hope they come before Christmas. Mummy says its eight weeks away but there already busy planning for Christmas and went to look at decorations last week. I will have to look in my money box and get some money to go shopping for mummy and daddy's presents.

Heres a picture of me and daddy, Daddy says he dosent know where i get my cheeky face from, but mummy says she doesits from daddy. What do you think?
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