Sunday, 25 November 2007

Busy day

We have had a busy day today, Mummy and Daddy took me to have my picture taken this was fun. The lady who took my picture was very nice and gave me some fun things to play with. When she finished we had a look round the shop then went back and looked at the pictures Mummy and Daddy had to think hard about which to pick. But finally agreed i liked the one i had with mummy and daddy the best.

Then we went and had lunch and Mummy said she was taking me to see Father Christmas. But we just went to the garden centre. But when we got inside there was a little hut and mummy said Santa was inside. Daddy wasn't happy at how much it cost and said he wasn't pay for a picture. We went in and there was lots of pretty lights and there were toys going in a machine and coming out wrapped. \we then went in a little room and there were some strange people so i cried. There was a man sat in a chair with a big red coat and long white beard and he asked was i good girl mummy and daddy said i was and he gave me a present and said he would see me soon. Mummy said he will visit me with presents on Christmas eve if i am good i like the sound of that but not sure i want to see the man again but mummy says he only comes when I'm asleep and that he wont come to daddy because hes to cheeky but i Hope he does because i think he deserves presents.

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