Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Looking back, Looking forward
Its been another up and down year we started it as a family knowing the new year would bring a new arrival and lots of adventures as Abi grew. So the year has brought a second mothers and fathers day a 40th birthday and a second birthday a third wedding Anniversary and of course Samuel's arrival. Abigail has learnt to walk and run has started speaking in sentences and her favorite is bob the builder. She is an amazing character now and has been a brilliant big sister. And we have celebrated a first Christmas and also had Sam dedicated this Christmas
We have had worries over Auntie Ann and Auntie Dora and continue to be concerned about Auntie Ann as she has now broken her hip. On going worries about Ste grandmother and grandfather. And a very worrying scare with Ste till we found out what was wrong with him even though no one had heard of scardosis and at least once we found out he improved. Also my cousin is in Afghanistan at the present. So what will the new year bring I'm sure more adventures as Sam and Abie grew and I'm sure we will have our worries but also our blessings as we leave the new year in gods hands.
And we are planning a quiet 2009 christmas with no big family advents other than a family christmas and a third birthday
We have had worries over Auntie Ann and Auntie Dora and continue to be concerned about Auntie Ann as she has now broken her hip. On going worries about Ste grandmother and grandfather. And a very worrying scare with Ste till we found out what was wrong with him even though no one had heard of scardosis and at least once we found out he improved. Also my cousin is in Afghanistan at the present. So what will the new year bring I'm sure more adventures as Sam and Abie grew and I'm sure we will have our worries but also our blessings as we leave the new year in gods hands.
And we are planning a quiet 2009 christmas with no big family advents other than a family christmas and a third birthday
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
we though they were asleep
Monday, 29 December 2008
Where did you catch that?
As me and Daddy have not been well we both had a doctor appointment today. Mummy has been asking Daddy to go since last week and they have been on about me going but as i was brighter they thought the doctor would only say it was a virus so there wasn't much point going. But we headed off this afternoon and we went in together he listened to both our chests and said they were clear and was about to say it was probably daddy's asthma when i started coughing and then he heard me breathe in he said we both had whooping cough cause we both got coughs worse At night that make us feel sick. Only thing is very infectious. So when we got back in mummy and daddy had to phone people up to let them now to look out for symptoms as they need antibiotics.
So we both on antibiotics and we have to watch mummy and Sam. But it did leave mummy to say to daddy how did you catch that your age.
So we both on antibiotics and we have to watch mummy and Sam. But it did leave mummy to say to daddy how did you catch that your age.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Birthday party 1
After popping to the shops for bread and food for my party tomorrow we had lunch and i went up for a nap but mummy woke me as she said we had to get ready to go out. Then Uncle Jason and Auntie Chris came with a present for me but i was to busy to look at i think mummy was cross with me though.. We then went to rumble rumble an indoor play centre it was great fun i loved running round and especially the slides although daddy said the big green one was for older children. I enjoyed it so much i cried when it was time to come out. I liked playing there and having fun with my friends i hope i go back again. we came home and after my tea and a bath mummy said i could put my new Wendy outfit on as it was my birthday tomorrow.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Boxing day
A quiet start to the day but mummy did tiedy some of our new things away just leaving the big presents out and they toys that sam could play with now. We then went to Nannys and Auntie carol was there with presents for us. We had a nice dinner and i enjoyed playing with my cousin beth. Mummy went with Auntie carol and Julie to boots and came back with some things.
As auntie julie had been earlier and brought some gourgeous clothes for me as well as some other bits including this charms for phones so now they all have
We then went to grandmas for tea and then back home for bath and bed. Mummy said its my friends party tomorrow afternoon.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Christmas day
After a bit Sam woke up and after his bottle he joined in the present opening after we had opened presents mummy got me dressed and
when i came
back down i was able to explore my Santa sack. After a bit i got tired so i went for a nap when i woke up dinner was ready. I particularly liked the Christmas pudding when we had finished daddy took mackie for a walk and mummy tided up. Then we got ready to go to Nanny's and grandads where we opened the presents of Auntie Linda and Auntie Julie and nanny and grandad. We had a nice tea and then came home. Before bed mummy brought in the presents off all my other aunties and uncles and friends. After i went to bed mummy and daddy and Sam finished opening there gifts. Me and Sam just wan
t to say thank you for all the great things we received.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Christmas Eve
We then left a mince pie, carrot and glass of brandy out and lit the lamp to guide Santa's way. Then left Abi and Sam sacks out. Then we rushed round bring presents down and in Ste case wrapping them. Building toys and delivering gifts to Ste moms.
Finally everything ready for Abigail second christmas and Samuels first.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Counting my blessings
Its been a funny sort of a day but one that has made me count my blessings more than once. I was due to go into work today but Abi has been so poorly we didn't think i would be able to go she was so bad sun night i don't think she slept for more than 10 mins at a time and was so washed out yesterday. But did brighten up and wanted to play and was while still tired and coughing back to herself this morning but Sam not brilliant Ste said he finish early and take Sam to doctors and sent me off to work.
On the way to work Jane told me that one of the sectary's 13year old son had passed away last week and it was his funeral tomorrow. And here's me moaning cause Abi had a cold. How do you pick up the pieces after losing a child!!! So i counted my blessings more than once and once again realised how privillaged we were to have recieved the gift of two wonderful children. Then i was able to attended chapel with the patients and staff and for the first time this year in a Christmas service to reflect on the Christmas story for me without worring about children crying or playing up.
Then once again i was yet again able to join in with the patients as they celebrated life and Christmas particularly as for some it will be the last. So i counted my blessings again. Then it was so nice to see my friends again and enjoy being me for a day. Then i came home and counted my blessings as i have two gorgeous children and i am so blessed to have them in my life and they are the most wondrous gift i could receive. Then Ste came in while he had finished early he had decided that Sam eye did not require a visit to the doctors so had not got home as early as he thought . I then took the dog to the vets why he went for kids and when he got back he was worried about Sam so phoned doctor and even though it was after half five they said to go straight down. While he was away i put Abi to bed and worried a little then he came home with Sam who has a chest infection but was my happy gorgeous little boy so i counted my blessings again. We have so much this Christmas warmth, plenty to eat, gifts, two wonderful healthy children and love. The most important gift anyone could want this Christmas so i thank god for all the gifts i have received and counted my blessings and prayed that Karen and her family and friends may received peace and strength as they say there goodbyes and i hope under the circumstances they will have a Christmas where they receive gods love and strength.
On the way to work Jane told me that one of the sectary's 13year old son had passed away last week and it was his funeral tomorrow. And here's me moaning cause Abi had a cold. How do you pick up the pieces after losing a child!!! So i counted my blessings more than once and once again realised how privillaged we were to have recieved the gift of two wonderful children. Then i was able to attended chapel with the patients and staff and for the first time this year in a Christmas service to reflect on the Christmas story for me without worring about children crying or playing up.
Then once again i was yet again able to join in with the patients as they celebrated life and Christmas particularly as for some it will be the last. So i counted my blessings again. Then it was so nice to see my friends again and enjoy being me for a day. Then i came home and counted my blessings as i have two gorgeous children and i am so blessed to have them in my life and they are the most wondrous gift i could receive. Then Ste came in while he had finished early he had decided that Sam eye did not require a visit to the doctors so had not got home as early as he thought . I then took the dog to the vets why he went for kids and when he got back he was worried about Sam so phoned doctor and even though it was after half five they said to go straight down. While he was away i put Abi to bed and worried a little then he came home with Sam who has a chest infection but was my happy gorgeous little boy so i counted my blessings again. We have so much this Christmas warmth, plenty to eat, gifts, two wonderful healthy children and love. The most important gift anyone could want this Christmas so i thank god for all the gifts i have received and counted my blessings and prayed that Karen and her family and friends may received peace and strength as they say there goodbyes and i hope under the circumstances they will have a Christmas where they receive gods love and strength.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Poorly Mummy and Mackie Dog
Mummy not well this morning so daddy made her stay in bed whille he got me ready for going to nanny and grandads. Samuel was still fast asleep. I went with nanny while daddy went to work but first he made sure mummy had everything he needed. He then had to take macy to the vets because one go his claws was sticking in to his leg the vets took it out and has given him some tablets but he seems better. And mummy looked better when i got home.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Whats in the box?
If you were given this what would you think. My first thought chocolates as it looked liked the selection boxes Thornton's doing but no. Then underwear again no. So gave up and looked a new mobile phone. I didn't know you could get them gift wrapped. But all joking apart i loved it as very snazzy and needed as last one broken.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Hard to believe its only three years since we got married. Especially when you think we now have 2 children as well and not forgetting a scruffy mackie dog. But the most amazing and wonderful three years. I cant imagine life without Ste he is my rock.
Here are the beautiful flowers and cake i recieved and best of all tickets to hear Rusell Watson.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Father Christmas Visit
We decided to take Abi to see Father Christmas today we thought we would visit the safari park but he was only there in the afternoon so we went round the park and headed to the garden centre we knew he was visiting. Abi enjoyed the grotto but went very quiet when she saw Father Christmas she pointed at him but then wouldn't leave daddy's side. Father Christmas says he knows abi has been a Good girl as she is on the good list. Samuel was his usual happy smile self. But at least no tears and Abigail loves the early present she has received.
Mummy in trouble
Mummy is in trouble last night after we were in bed daddy said our cards arrived. Daddy sent them by Santa post. But mummy cried when she opened the cards but we thought they were nice cards but daddy said she liked the cards she was just happy. Then she cried when daddy gave her his card. Here they are what do you think?
Then tonight we had our baths early so we could watch a christmas film it was a favorite of mummies it was called a muppet christmas carol. I enjoyed it i thought it was funny but mummy cried so she got in trouble with daddy but i think he was only being silly.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Ste went to pick up Abigail who wasn't very happy and didnt now what she wanted she had not eat her tea was crying for daddy but then wanted nanny. So he brought her home on the way back he decided to call in the chippy as there was no Que he took A crying Abigail in but as soon as she went in she was oohing and ahing at everything and when the lady offered her a fork she clung to it she also gave her a cone to put her chips in when she got home so here she is. Now who does she take after??????????
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Long trip
After Auntie Julie collected Abi Mummy put me in Grandmas car and we drove for a long time i know it was a long time cause when i woke up i was hungry. Mummy said we were going to visit Auntie Ann and Dora. Which we did i got cuddle and they said i looked like Daddy. Mummy and grandma were pleased to see them looking well Auntie Ann hurt her leg and is now up and about with a frame and still getting physio and Auntie Dora had to have an operation and other treatment but is ok apart from she cant use her one hand.

But poor mummy not having a good day as first her hair straighteners broke this morning then when she was talking to daddy on her phone the sound her ear piece broke so she could only hear him by putting him on speaker. So poor mummy needs a new phone and straighteners.
But poor mummy not having a good day as first her hair straighteners broke this morning then when she was talking to daddy on her phone the sound her ear piece broke so she could only hear him by putting him on speaker. So poor mummy needs a new phone and straighteners.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
That Hurts
Mummy took me to the doctors again today and the nice lady stuck horrible sharp things in my leg. Mummy says its my injections and its to stop me getting ill but i dont now why it has to hurt. But she told daddy i was a brave boy, braver than daddy.
Monday, 8 December 2008
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