Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Counting my blessings

Its been a funny sort of a day but one that has made me count my blessings more than once. I was due to go into work today but Abi has been so poorly we didn't think i would be able to go she was so bad sun night i don't think she slept for more than 10 mins at a time and was so washed out yesterday. But did brighten up and wanted to play and was while still tired and coughing back to herself this morning but Sam not brilliant Ste said he finish early and take Sam to doctors and sent me off to work.

On the way to work Jane told me that one of the sectary's 13year old son had passed away last week and it was his funeral tomorrow. And here's me moaning cause Abi had a cold. How do you pick up the pieces after losing a child!!! So i counted my blessings more than once and once again realised how privillaged we were to have recieved the gift of two wonderful children. Then i was able to attended chapel with the patients and staff and for the first time this year in a Christmas service to reflect on the Christmas story for me without worring about children crying or playing up.

Then once again i was yet again able to join in with the patients as they celebrated life and Christmas particularly as for some it will be the last. So i counted my blessings again. Then it was so nice to see my friends again and enjoy being me for a day. Then i came home and counted my blessings as i have two gorgeous children and i am so blessed to have them in my life and they are the most wondrous gift i could receive. Then Ste came in while he had finished early he had decided that Sam eye did not require a visit to the doctors so had not got home as early as he thought . I then took the dog to the vets why he went for kids and when he got back he was worried about Sam so phoned doctor and even though it was after half five they said to go straight down. While he was away i put Abi to bed and worried a little then he came home with Sam who has a chest infection but was my happy gorgeous little boy so i counted my blessings again. We have so much this Christmas warmth, plenty to eat, gifts, two wonderful healthy children and love. The most important gift anyone could want this Christmas so i thank god for all the gifts i have received and counted my blessings and prayed that Karen and her family and friends may received peace and strength as they say there goodbyes and i hope under the circumstances they will have a Christmas where they receive gods love and strength.

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