Mummy and Daddy both wanted to visit Bath so off we set. It
wasn't quite what they thought it would be though. And the cathedral was busy
Mummy said it was peoples graduation
ceremonies. We had a look
around and daddy found the oldest house that sold special buns so of course he had to sample one. Mummy
preferred the old fashioned sweet shop. And of course the christmas shop. We also noticed that instead of lambs they had pigs decorated and some in some
unusual places.

We then headed back with no real plan but we found a farm shop and tea room so stopped i got to have a go at driving daddy's car. Only thing was i kept wanting to go in the front while daddy was driving. Mummy says he keeps making mistakes letting me do things like he let me have a go on the rides at the shops and now when i see
them i want to have a go and don't like coming off them.
We then carried on to weston and had a walk along a long thing that went out to sea mummy says its called a pier.
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