Sunday 27 July 2008

Room Updaqte

we headed into town on Saturday as daddy needed some bits for my room then we had lunch. Grandad came up to help daddy(after the rugby) and they put the carpet down daddy then finished some other bits and put up my curtains. I like the room now and have had fun walking round it.

This morning i was tired and went back to sleep but mummy and daddy were busy putting wardrobes together, when i came back from grandmas they had built the frames and had finished the inside of one. I tried to help mummy put some of my things away but i think i caused More trouble than i helped. I really like my room and cant wait till its all done mummy says im getting a big girls bed. There just some furniture to move back in the rest of the border to be done and the wardrobe doors to go on now. So once my bed is here i can move in.

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