Sunday, 30 November 2008
Whats in a name?
We were asked today how we chose Samuel's name and i just wanted to clear it up. We had a girls name picked and two choices for a boy Samuel and Jacob which along with Thomas were are choices last time. We had ruled out Thomas as its very popular at the moment. Samuel is a family name on both sides and we both liked it, it also had a nice meaning and was a biblical name. We also decided that if we had Samuel James would be the middle name after my dad it also has the same meaning as Jacob. Jacob i really liked but Ste was less keen as he said it reminded him off Jacob crackers, we decided if it was Jacob the middle name would be Stephen as Abigail's is Lorna, but i think that was also a reason why Ste preferred Samuel. We liked the meaning of Jacob and i also liked the shortened version of Jake. But we had no definates and decide we could make a final decision if we had a boy as to what He looked like. So when we did have a boy Ste decided he looked more like a Samuel and we agreed on that name although after deciding on Samuel James i then wanted to add Stephen. Ste didn't and said two names was another but then did agree. So that's how he became Samuel James Stephen.
Samuels dedication

Today was Samuel dedication and we had a lovely day with friends and family. Both Samuel and Abigail behaved. and the buffet after went well. But most importantly it was a day were we got to celebrate and say thank you for the wonderful gift of Samuel who along with Abigail just make each day all the better. And every bad night every temper tantrum its all worth it for the most amazing smile or cuddle. We are very fortunate that we have received the gift of two wonderful and healthy children and for that we count our blessings every day.
The service was lovely and my Uncle came to lead the dedication which was great as he dedicated me a long time ago. The singing compa
The service was lovely and my Uncle came to lead the dedication which was great as he dedicated me a long time ago. The singing compa

It was also the first Sunday in advent were we celebrate the greatest gift off all so what better time to have his dedication although someone did wonder if its cause we like Christmas carols as our record for Christmas speaks for it self. I did always say i would get married at Christmas because its my favorite time of year but also because i thought it would be romantic i did actually want to get married on Christmas eve but that was unpractical. The getting engaged was not my choice of date and originally Ste had thought he would ask me on new years eve but so glad he changed his mind as boxing day was perfect. Abigail's arrival actually should have been Jan but i had to have her Early so blame the doctors. but with all the other things happening when else could Sam have been dedicated although it was Ste that wanted it at Christmas i initially just thought oh all that extra to do when were busy anyway but i am so glad i let him have his way because it couldn't have been more fitting. But sorry to disappoint i don't thing were doing anything but having a normal family Christmas next year.

Thursday, 27 November 2008
Samuel disrupted songsters tonight he was on my lap and was following Becky's music so it looked like he was reading it which caused people to stop and look at him and not Lyndsey. The thing was we were practising the song were going to sing for his dedication.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
Taming Toddlers
We have been having problems with Abigail sleeping in her own bed for a while Know and more noticeable because Sam is so good. She goes to bed no problem but then wakes in the early hours and want to come in our bed or will settle if daddy takes her back and sleeps on her floor but she then gets out of bed and sleeps on the floor with him. So the health visitor recommended the book toddler taming so we both need to read the chapter on sleep then try it. But what i want to know is there a book called taming Ste?
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Strange Day
This morning mummy and daddy were both up early and got me and Abigail ready and then daddy took me to Nanny and Grandads with Abigail. Mummy was going to Work for the day she said they were having an away day and they were at the wildflower centre it didn't sound like work to me but mummy said it was. I had a nice day with Abigail it was nice to spend time with nanny and grandad but it was nice when mummy and daddy came to pick us up
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Mummy took me to the Hospital today. She says because i was upside down in her tummy they had to make sure my hips are ok. So were going for the results of my scan mummy is sure it will be ok but says we need to go. When we got there the nurse weighed and measured me im know 14lb 9oz. We then went to see the doctor who looked at my legs and told mummy everything was ok.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
We went to a party today i had lots of fun playing with my cousins. Mummy said it was daddy's cousins wedding. She looked very pretty in her white dress. I had a red dress on but we had to go to the shops this morning to get party tights. But it was harder than she thought but she eventually found some.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Mummies day
Mummy arranged to meet Auntie deb for lunch and shopping today but daddy insisted that she went on her own. Me and Samuel had a good day with Daddy and mummy had a nice relaxing day. Daddy said she needed a day to herself but i think she was worried about daddy coping as when she left us last time while she went to the hairdressers we played up. But daddy insisted and mummy only phoned once.
Put the B side on
Grandma phoned tonight she told daddy that Uncle Peter was winding her up so daddy did come to her defence but also had a laugh about it. Grandma CD player is broken so she asked Uncle Peter to put her new CD on via her laptop which he did. As it was a single CD when he came back she asked him to turn it over for the b side. Daddy did say you can get double sided CD. But he had to explain to me what the b side was. Apparently before CD you had records and the main song was the a side and any others the b side. So poor grandma got confused
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Monday, 3 November 2008
Sam slept till half six this morning looks like were reaching that magical time when he starts sleeping through.
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