Sunday, 30 November 2008

Whats in a name?

We were asked today how we chose Samuel's name and i just wanted to clear it up. We had a girls name picked and two choices for a boy Samuel and Jacob which along with Thomas were are choices last time. We had ruled out Thomas as its very popular at the moment. Samuel is a family name on both sides and we both liked it, it also had a nice meaning and was a biblical name. We also decided that if we had Samuel James would be the middle name after my dad it also has the same meaning as Jacob. Jacob i really liked but Ste was less keen as he said it reminded him off Jacob crackers, we decided if it was Jacob the middle name would be Stephen as Abigail's is Lorna, but i think that was also a reason why Ste preferred Samuel. We liked the meaning of Jacob and i also liked the shortened version of Jake. But we had no definates and decide we could make a final decision if we had a boy as to what He looked like. So when we did have a boy Ste decided he looked more like a Samuel and we agreed on that name although after deciding on Samuel James i then wanted to add Stephen. Ste didn't and said two names was another but then did agree. So that's how he became Samuel James Stephen.

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