Monday, 27 July 2009
garden transformation
ste and his dad have worked hard today to get rid of the horrible bricks and put in sleepers another job done in making a nicer and safer garden
Monday, 25 May 2009
Mummy and daddy have been busy tiding the garden mummy planted some flowers and a herb garden. And they got some carrots and strawberries to plant but mummy thinks daddy is taking it to serious as he has been resarching it on the internet
Friday, 22 May 2009

We familiarised ourselves with the area and got to go swimming Abi was very nerous at first she only had arm bands on but was getting used to it. We went into troon were mummy found a really nice butchers. Heres a pie she brought cooking.

Everything was loaded in the car and we set off to drop macy off. Then headed north and as we headed the rain got worse. Daddy found a good chippy near to the campsite though
We found a really nice place for lunch and Abi had the poshest chicken nuggets and chips. It was really nice but also child friendly. We both had chocolate fudge cake which abi really enjoyed. Then we visited Robert burns birthplace. including brig o doone the memorial set in beautiful grounds and the cottage. We went swimming again and a really helpful life guard lent us a swim vest for abi and encoraged ste to let go off her. Abi really enjoyed it.
The plan was to head to glasgow but ste decided to keep going and we headed to a loch were there was an aquarium. As abi loves these, she had a great time looking at the fish and eating ice cream in the cafe. We then founsd an outlet place before we headed home. our only purchase rechargable torchs with name son for the kids as abi has always loved palying with one at my moms.
We headed into ayr and did some shopping including a new book for me just published and a swim vest for abi. Then we headed for the pool where Abi is getting more confident and starting to use her arms her and daddy even enjoyed the slide. I was pursaded to try it reluctantly cause it was enclosed but really enjoyed it.
We had no plans today so we decide to see where we ended up. We found a farm shop and a town then headed back for a final swim and to pack up. Abi is getting so comftorbale she didnt want any one near her and moves her arm confidently although struggles with the legs.
We decided to visit gretna green on the way back and was schocked by how comercial it was but had fun exploring it. we decided to share an ice cream and abi made sure of her turn with the phrase i some. We then headed to an outlet villiage anh had fun exploring
the shops before heading back and as we headed back we headed into the rain. We picked macy up and was relieved to find him well and that he had
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
We are off on holiday tomorrow so i have been bust packing but why does it fell like you are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. And we havent even tried to get things into the car yet. But at least we have a roof box for the big stuff like the pram.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Uncle Peters Birthday
We all went out today to one of my favorite places the safari park. It was uncle peters birthday. We had fun driving round but i got in to trouble when i tried to open the doors of the car. We got out to see the elephants and giraffes then went to the fairground but none of the kids rides were opened or at least the ones i could go on. We then went to the garden centre for lunch where i had chicken nuggets. Then we went back to grandmas Uncle peter loved his pressies. Daddy joined us for a party tea. Best of all there was cake and yummy things to eat
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Princess and the pirate

It was melissas birthday party today she is 4 tomorrow. I was dressed up as a princess fairy and sammy was supposed to be a pirate but kept pulling his stuff off. I had great fun at the party running round playing on the bouncy castle and slide. The tea was fun with lots of yummy food and best of all cake and smilly faces. I was very tired and went to sleep coming home mummy had to wake me to get me ready for bed.
Mummy hasnt been well and daddy and had been worried about her her diabetes has been playing up but she is getting back to normal although she is tired which is good cause she is getting things ready for our holiday.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Sammys about
Watch out world sammy has worked out how to move a cross between a shuffle and a crawl but hes determined and quick
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Auntie carols wedding
Auntie Carol got married today. It was a nice sunny day. Daddy looked very smart and mummy had a posh outfit with a hat. Sammy had a smart outfit on and i had a pretty dress but decided not to wear my hat. Auntie carol looked very pretty so did beth and Uncle paul ben and grandad looked smart as well. We then went to a big party my food came in a card and me and sammy had presents on the table. We then came home to check on macy and at night there was a party with music and there was a room with pens and paper to colour in. Sammy went to sleep but i had great fun with my cousins playing and dancing.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Daddy finally got his car fixed today so while he was doing that we had a quiet morning then we all went to town why mummy had her eyes checked. Then helped her to choose new glasses. I think she suits them
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Daddys Birthday
It was daddys birthday today we gave him our presents and cards. He wanted a wii so mummy had given him the money but we also got him a game and some other bits. Daddy decided he wanted to go to chester zoo, we had fun there i loved the elephants and sammy liked looking at stuff. We had lunch with the giraffes and i went on a boat with mummy. We then went to Nannys for a birthday tea and had fun palying with daddys wii. Auntie julie was there with joe and max.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Daddys poorley car
Daddys car is worse than he thought so he is not driving it at the moment till he fix it grandma took us to the army and dropped us at grandmas on sunday then daddy took a day off work to fix it only thing is he now needs to fix something else now
Friday, 3 April 2009
Monday, 23 March 2009
Mothers Day
eDaddy got up this morning and said as it was mummies day he was in charge. So he made a s*entsign that said no mummies allowed in the kitchen and they had to buzz for attention. Then he sorted stuff out for dinner he also made mummy breakfast. We gave her our cards and presents sammy had got a teddy and plant and there wer flowers and lip balm of me ans=d chocolated and make up off us all. She was very pleased and liked the cards particuarly as sam was off her little soldier. Then grandma came round and we gave her presents and cards.
We went to the army where i made a special card for mummy and went to get some flowers for mummy. But everyone laughed when i stopped to sniff them. Daddy made dinner and mummy enjoyed it and said it was very good for his first attempt i think he got some advice off nanny. Then we went to visit nanny and take her presents.
We went to the army where i made a special card for mummy and went to get some flowers for mummy. But everyone laughed when i stopped to sniff them. Daddy made dinner and mummy enjoyed it and said it was very good for his first attempt i think he got some advice off nanny. Then we went to visit nanny and take her presents.
Monday, 16 March 2009
after we put Abbi to bed we often hear her wondering around and have caught her in our or Samuel's room. We also find Samuel's teddy and dummy in her bed. So last night Ste stayed at the top of stairs out of sight and no sooner as i got downstairs he saw her out of bed on her travels. So back she went. After a bit out she got came to the stairgate and shouted boo. I think we were sussed.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Mummy and Daddy
I went to the supermarket with Grandma and uncle Peter but when i got back Mummy and daddy's room was in chaos Mummy said they were having a sort out, it looked like they were making a mess to me. but daddy wasn't keen on parting with things but mummy got him to sort through his stuff. By the time i went to bed there room was all tidy and clean. Apart from Daddy still had washing to sort. But i think mummy was happy with what she had achieved.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Uncle Peter and Grandma took me out today i got to go to the park and to see the animals. But the cafe was closed and the ice cream man not there so i went to grandmas for lunch. But i had fun playing with uncle peter.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Prayer or laughter time
We have been doing a reading and having prayers for a while and i always say to Abi close your eyes put your hands together. But until recently she hasn't, then a couple of weeks ago she did. She put her hands together and shut her eyes but not normally she screwed her face up and had them half shut. Now she looked so funny that Ste had to leave the room to laugh and i struggled to say prayers cause she looked so funny. Poor child was only doing what we wanted. Now does me wanting to laugh make me a bad mummy and a bad christian when it was prayer time or just normal. I'm sure God has a good laugh at the antics that go on in our house.
Funny Sunday
Its been a funny day for lots of reasons but mainly because of the kids.
As we were getting ready this morning the kids were in the living room playing. Sam was in his walker and Abi was her there and everywhere
when Ste came back in from upstairs i
heard him laugh and grab the camera then shout me. Sam was sat as happy as can be watching TV with Abi playing but he had a headband with Abigail written on it perfectly on his head. Now i don't think he put it on!!! So after much laughter Ste managed to take a picture.
Then we went to the Army and as the band started playing Sam turned to watch total transfixed. Then we had a fire drill at the Army during the first song.
Then this evening Abi has been Abi with her cheeky smile she been going up to Sam and saying hello using daddy as a climbing frame singing along to bob in the wild west. Giving Sam night night kisses bringing me pretend cups of tea. And well just being a gorgeous loving little self in a happy mood. And the hairba
nd well that came back as well with her placing it over her eyes then moving it and saying boo.
As we were getting ready this morning the kids were in the living room playing. Sam was in his walker and Abi was her there and everywhere

Then we went to the Army and as the band started playing Sam turned to watch total transfixed. Then we had a fire drill at the Army during the first song.
Then this evening Abi has been Abi with her cheeky smile she been going up to Sam and saying hello using daddy as a climbing frame singing along to bob in the wild west. Giving Sam night night kisses bringing me pretend cups of tea. And well just being a gorgeous loving little self in a happy mood. And the hairba
Saturday, 7 March 2009
All grown up
Abigail just amazes me at times but its scary how grown up she is and that makes me emotional. Today we went to the hairdressers. Abigail was so good and stayed by me why i had my hair washed and sat watching as i had my hair cut. Then the lady came to do her hair up to know she has always sat on my lap. But she went and sat and had her hair cut i didn't hear a murmur out of her she sat as good as gold the lady gave her a brush and she was brushing her hair. But as for me i felt really chocked where i saw my little girl sat there having her hair done.
Abigail didnt want to take her hat off last night so she put it on her head like a flat cap and went to bed with it on.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Friday, 27 February 2009
Abigail has made me feel better today. At bedtime we sorted out some washing and abigail started pertend ironing ste's undies and they were clean but it was just the way she was doing it. Then whille ste was hoovering under her bed she climbed on his back for a horsey ride. better than all the medcine.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
mummy in trouble
Mummies in trouble with daddy. I ruined some of her expensive make up but as it expensive mummy wasnt sure she could get both things she wanted. She ordered some and it came. But what mummy didnt know was daddy had been and brought her some for mothers day. So when he came home and saw it he wasnt happy with mummy. But mummy was amazed that daddy had actually gone and brought her make-up. But he soon got over the fact mummy had brought some too.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Mummy took me to the hospital today i thought she was going but it was my name that got shouted. They weighed and measured me I'm 19ibs 4oz. Mummy says I'm a little boy now. Then we went to see a doctor who asked mummy questions and listened to my chest. Then we went somewhere else and they took a picture of my chest mummy said its called a xray. Then we went back to the doctor and he said i probably had a viral bronchitis very common in babies and that's whats left the wheeze and cough. The inhaler wont help and it will go probably when the weather better. So mummy was relieved and we don't have to go back.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Happy Valentines
I have had the bestest day we all snuggled in bed and shared cards and gifts. Then Ste had said we would go shopping but delayed going out till after my gorgeous flowers arrived. We then went to the Trafford centre. where i got a gorgeous dress for carols wedding. Ste brought my shoes there a perfect match for the dress but a lot more than i would pay particularly as will only be able to wear them with this dress. they did have the matching bag but i really couldn't pay that but found a bag in the debenhams range that was a near perfect match and a quarter of the price. I also managed to find a hat and best of all it was reduced i didn't set out for a hat i was after a fasinator but couldn't go wrong so hat it is. Abigail and Sam were so good. Abi had great fun walking and looking down thought the glass she started to get tired and would just sit on the side by
the barriers. So she was glad to go back in buggy but she had fun.
So all in all a perfect day and despite Ste saying he was taking me to kfc we had a great meal out at our favorite place. I cant think of a better way to spend valentines day than with the three people i love the most.
Friday, 13 February 2009

daddy was in charge at home and had a busy day with Abi and Sam. He put Sam in his walker for the first time and he loved it. Abigail pulled up her chair and started telling him stories how cute.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Potty Wars
I decided no nappies today just big girl knickers. We didn't even get out of her room. So we are postponing till she shows a bit more interest. The problem is she is to busy playing
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Shopping trip
Me and Mummy went to town today i had lots of sleep and mummy did some shopping. She found a dress for Auntie carols wedding but it didn't fit right, so she brought it home to show daddy to see if he thought it worth taking in on the top but daddy's going to take her shopping on Saturday. Mummy got me a new top with iggle piggle on it.
Monday, 9 February 2009
Potty training wars
we decided to have a go at potty training so far abigail is winning she wont sit on the potty. She doesnt mind the pullups but didnt want to tell us when needed changing. Abi is definatley winning we may need to try with no nappies
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Every night we read Abi daily reading book and say prayers before she gets into bed and she has being getting better starting to listen and being quieter and when i say amen she copies. Tonight we were all in her room the kids were bathed and ready for bed. After letting Abi played i got the book out did her reading and why i was saying prayers Sam started babbling so she went up to him and told him shh. Perhaps she is learning to be quiet at prayer times or perhaps she is fed up of being told shh when its prayer time at the army.
No job too small no knickers too large
Ste was in a silly mood this morning. Abi found the ironing board and iron her auntie had sent up for her and was happy playing with it this morning. Ste kept saying she was very good and could do his shirts and what about setting up an ironing business. He decided she could call it no job too small no knickers too large!
Saturday, 7 February 2009
mumies little helper
Abigail decided she would help mummy with the cleaning. she quite often helps dust but today she wanted to do everything. As i was cleaning the bathroom she was following me and coping and that included wipe the shower door with a wet cloth just after i had finished cleaning it and as i did the floor she followed suit. She is so cute and why its great she wants to help it always ends up taking mummy longer.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Scary day
Sam has been struggling with his chest for a while but has always been well in himself and happy. He had a chest infection before Christmas and was till wheezy so we took him back and he had another infection so had a second course of antibiotics and inhaler four times a day and he had to go back when he finished the antibiotics. At which point his chest was clear so he went down to his inhaler twice a day and then back in a week. When we went back on Tue his wheezy was back so the doctor increased his inhaler back to four times a day and wanted to see him on Thurs.
So we took him back why he had been out of sorts on Tue and tired on wed he was still his normal happy self. But his chest was worse than on Tue so we got sent to Whiston with him. Why we knew he wasn't seriously ill we were still worried something about seeing your baby in a hospital cot. After a wait he in which he was really wheezy and unhappy but eventually slept. So when he was seen he was his laughing and happy self. But he still had a wheezy but cause he wasn't struggling they were not concerned they said it was probably a viral wheezy and he had two big doses of his inhaler and then was seen by a doctor who helpful said if it helps give him the inhaler if not dont. As it also could be asthma but they cant diagnose it till he is older we got the lecture on Teddy's and carpet in his room.
But at least we could escape. But even though he wasn't very ill it was still a scary and worrying day for us. He still has to see a respiratory paediatrician but hopefully it will start to improve.
So we took him back why he had been out of sorts on Tue and tired on wed he was still his normal happy self. But his chest was worse than on Tue so we got sent to Whiston with him. Why we knew he wasn't seriously ill we were still worried something about seeing your baby in a hospital cot. After a wait he in which he was really wheezy and unhappy but eventually slept. So when he was seen he was his laughing and happy self. But he still had a wheezy but cause he wasn't struggling they were not concerned they said it was probably a viral wheezy and he had two big doses of his inhaler and then was seen by a doctor who helpful said if it helps give him the inhaler if not dont. As it also could be asthma but they cant diagnose it till he is older we got the lecture on Teddy's and carpet in his room.
But at least we could escape. But even though he wasn't very ill it was still a scary and worrying day for us. He still has to see a respiratory paediatrician but hopefully it will start to improve.
Monday, 2 February 2009
i took Abbi out the front so she could see the snow and she quite liked stamping with her boots but didn't want to touch it. She also clapped and was excited when it was snowing. But when Ste got in and she had to go out while it was snowing she was crying but after she saw us messing around she didn't quite mind it as much.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Lazy Sunday
We didnt go out this morning as ste wasnt feeling brilliant and my mom wasnt well. But well not quite sure how it happened but why we were doing stuff sam was put on abigails bed and went fast asleep and she then climbed next to him and followed suit. So For well i dont know how long we got to go back to bed and enjoy a lazy start to the day.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
The door went today and when mummy answered it there was the nice lady from the flower shop with flowers for mummy. Daddy had sent them to cheer up mummy as she was sad. Daddy told mummy that we had sent them but it was him all along.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
For those who follow are blog they will know we started the year worried about Auntie Ann who after recovering from breaking her thigh fell and broke her hip. And why she recovered well from the surgery and was back having rehab she had a stroke last week and why was doing ok we were still concerned about her. This afternoon she had another massive stroke and passed away this evening her two sisters were with her. While at the moment i am sad and worried about her sisters I'm grateful she didn't suffer. And pray that my Auntie Ann and Elsie feel gods peace and strength at this time.
My Auntie Ann was certainly a character and one that enjoyed life to its most though she had difficult times she was always there with a smile and a joke and its those memories i will cherish Here she is meeting Sam.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Sleeping Sam
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Little Miss Trouble
poorley samuel
We not been happy with Sam and have tried to get him a doctors appointment but not been able to and as not urgent we have not pressed it. The first week after Christmas the weather was too cold and then last week i wasn't well so this week i managed to get him too baby clinic. Because he still has a wheezy chest. Anyway the doctor not sure that he hasn't still got an infection so he is back on antibiotics and a 4hr inhaler and he has to go back next week if his chest still bad there going to look into it further. The thing is apart from his chest you wouldn't think there was anything the matter because he is eating and sleeping and very happy in himself.
Monday, 19 January 2009
As you know my cousin is in afghanastain at the moment as you may also have heard on the news yesterday there had been a n incident involving the rifles my mom commented that it was Lyndons regiment little did we know it was closer than that. I recieved this email last night.
This is just a brief update.
On this morning's news (Sunday) you may have heard of an incident which took place in Sangin involving a team from 1st Battalion Rifles.
This was Lyndon's group of 8 men who were involved in a particularly nasty ambush, resulting in one rifleman, a young man of 22 and single, being killed, and four injured - three seriously, although they are now stable.
Lyndon himself along with two others escaped unscathed, and we have spoken to him by satellite phone today. Needless to say he sounds tired, and in his own words 'yesterday was a bad day'. Nevertheless he is philosophical and said that it was business as usual. His team have been reinforced and continue with the work they have signed up for.
Many thanks for your interest and prayers. We think especially of the family of the rifleman who lost his life.
Why were all relieved Lyndon is ok we are concerened for those who were hurt and there families. It also brings it home just how much these young men and women are risking every day to do there job. And just how precious life is.
This is just a brief update.
On this morning's news (Sunday) you may have heard of an incident which took place in Sangin involving a team from 1st Battalion Rifles.
This was Lyndon's group of 8 men who were involved in a particularly nasty ambush, resulting in one rifleman, a young man of 22 and single, being killed, and four injured - three seriously, although they are now stable.
Lyndon himself along with two others escaped unscathed, and we have spoken to him by satellite phone today. Needless to say he sounds tired, and in his own words 'yesterday was a bad day'. Nevertheless he is philosophical and said that it was business as usual. His team have been reinforced and continue with the work they have signed up for.
Many thanks for your interest and prayers. We think especially of the family of the rifleman who lost his life.
Why were all relieved Lyndon is ok we are concerened for those who were hurt and there families. It also brings it home just how much these young men and women are risking every day to do there job. And just how precious life is.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
How cute How naughty

Then i think that sums up Abi but yesterday she was mainly cute. On the way home form the aemy she fell asleep so i put her on her bed but she still had her coat on when she woke up she picked up a shopping bag (It was an outfit for her teddy from bear factory) and was stood at the top of the stairs holding this bag just as if she had come in from shopping. Then at the army last night she first of all was trying to do the actions to the song then in the last song when everyone was clapping she started clapping her teds paws together. As for the naughty well i guess just being a 2 year old. 
Sam was not to be outdone in the cuteness stakes and he turned his head to listen to the yp band. Its frighting to think that he is 5months old today where has the time gone? where has my baby gone?

Sam was not to be outdone in the cuteness stakes and he turned his head to listen to the yp band. Its frighting to think that he is 5months old today where has the time gone? where has my baby gone?
Friday, 16 January 2009
Food progress
We started sam off with baby rice he wasnt keen and didnt seem to be able to work out what to do. We then tried some potato same response. We carried on and he started getting better so up to two meals tried millk desserts he eat them vegetables no fruit yes. So we kept at it then he eat cauliflower but still nothing else. Then up to 3 meals and he loves porridge and does no wnt to do with the food now and slowly taking vegetables but loving his food is this just a typical boy? But his favorites are definatley millk based meals and fruit.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Food fright
we were both doing things when Sam suddenly was crying and when Ste investigated Abi had fed him some chocolate she was eating. She not tried this before although now were weaning she does want the bowl and spoon off you so she can do it so don't know if it cause she seen us doing it sow we have to watch her from now on.
sleep succes continued
Abi slept till 7 only thing is ste woke at 5 and then was worried because she hadnt disturbed.
Friday, 9 January 2009
big girl
As we have started weaning sam we need the highchair for him so we tried abi with her booster cushin on a chair at the table and she loved it. Thankfully so sam can happly go in the highchair why we eat as he dosent like being left in the lounge.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Sleep wars 3
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Sleep war 2
Last night Abi disturbed at 1o after Sam woke her, but after a tug of beds did settle and slept. Coming in once but staying put once taken back
Monday, 5 January 2009
when ste came home today he had a bunch of flowers for me which he gave to abigail to give me which she did with a big flourish and a proud grin. The flowers were to say thanks for looking after them.
Finally daddy gave in
We have been struggling with Abigail come into our bed in the middle of night and staying and it usually means Ste gives up and comes downstairs. She was tired we were defiantly tied and no good for everyone i told him when he started putting her in it would lead to problems. Anyway the health visitor recommended reading taming toddlers the chapter on sleep and implementing it she said it would only take a couple of nights. So we agreed we would do it at Christmas when Ste was off and we didn't have stuff on. But Abigail wasn't well so we didn't. But were going to do next weekend that was until last night when as usually she came in but was crying and Ste decided enougth was enougth lengthy so we started. It took quite a few returns to bed and then shutting her door and returning at increasing intervals but eventually she got back into bed and stayed there till Ste got up.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Saturday, 3 January 2009
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