Monday, 19 January 2009


As you know my cousin is in afghanastain at the moment as you may also have heard on the news yesterday there had been a n incident involving the rifles my mom commented that it was Lyndons regiment little did we know it was closer than that. I recieved this email last night.

This is just a brief update.

On this morning's news (Sunday) you may have heard of an incident which took place in Sangin involving a team from 1st Battalion Rifles.
This was Lyndon's group of 8 men who were involved in a particularly nasty ambush, resulting in one rifleman, a young man of 22 and single, being killed, and four injured - three seriously, although they are now stable.

Lyndon himself along with two others escaped unscathed, and we have spoken to him by satellite phone today. Needless to say he sounds tired, and in his own words 'yesterday was a bad day'. Nevertheless he is philosophical and said that it was business as usual. His team have been reinforced and continue with the work they have signed up for.

Many thanks for your interest and prayers. We think especially of the family of the rifleman who lost his life.

Why were all relieved Lyndon is ok we are concerened for those who were hurt and there families. It also brings it home just how much these young men and women are risking every day to do there job. And just how precious life is.

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