Tuesday, 27 January 2009
The door went today and when mummy answered it there was the nice lady from the flower shop with flowers for mummy. Daddy had sent them to cheer up mummy as she was sad. Daddy told mummy that we had sent them but it was him all along.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
For those who follow are blog they will know we started the year worried about Auntie Ann who after recovering from breaking her thigh fell and broke her hip. And why she recovered well from the surgery and was back having rehab she had a stroke last week and why was doing ok we were still concerned about her. This afternoon she had another massive stroke and passed away this evening her two sisters were with her. While at the moment i am sad and worried about her sisters I'm grateful she didn't suffer. And pray that my Auntie Ann and Elsie feel gods peace and strength at this time.
My Auntie Ann was certainly a character and one that enjoyed life to its most though she had difficult times she was always there with a smile and a joke and its those memories i will cherish Here she is meeting Sam.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Sleeping Sam
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Little Miss Trouble
poorley samuel
We not been happy with Sam and have tried to get him a doctors appointment but not been able to and as not urgent we have not pressed it. The first week after Christmas the weather was too cold and then last week i wasn't well so this week i managed to get him too baby clinic. Because he still has a wheezy chest. Anyway the doctor not sure that he hasn't still got an infection so he is back on antibiotics and a 4hr inhaler and he has to go back next week if his chest still bad there going to look into it further. The thing is apart from his chest you wouldn't think there was anything the matter because he is eating and sleeping and very happy in himself.
Monday, 19 January 2009
As you know my cousin is in afghanastain at the moment as you may also have heard on the news yesterday there had been a n incident involving the rifles my mom commented that it was Lyndons regiment little did we know it was closer than that. I recieved this email last night.
This is just a brief update.
On this morning's news (Sunday) you may have heard of an incident which took place in Sangin involving a team from 1st Battalion Rifles.
This was Lyndon's group of 8 men who were involved in a particularly nasty ambush, resulting in one rifleman, a young man of 22 and single, being killed, and four injured - three seriously, although they are now stable.
Lyndon himself along with two others escaped unscathed, and we have spoken to him by satellite phone today. Needless to say he sounds tired, and in his own words 'yesterday was a bad day'. Nevertheless he is philosophical and said that it was business as usual. His team have been reinforced and continue with the work they have signed up for.
Many thanks for your interest and prayers. We think especially of the family of the rifleman who lost his life.
Why were all relieved Lyndon is ok we are concerened for those who were hurt and there families. It also brings it home just how much these young men and women are risking every day to do there job. And just how precious life is.
This is just a brief update.
On this morning's news (Sunday) you may have heard of an incident which took place in Sangin involving a team from 1st Battalion Rifles.
This was Lyndon's group of 8 men who were involved in a particularly nasty ambush, resulting in one rifleman, a young man of 22 and single, being killed, and four injured - three seriously, although they are now stable.
Lyndon himself along with two others escaped unscathed, and we have spoken to him by satellite phone today. Needless to say he sounds tired, and in his own words 'yesterday was a bad day'. Nevertheless he is philosophical and said that it was business as usual. His team have been reinforced and continue with the work they have signed up for.
Many thanks for your interest and prayers. We think especially of the family of the rifleman who lost his life.
Why were all relieved Lyndon is ok we are concerened for those who were hurt and there families. It also brings it home just how much these young men and women are risking every day to do there job. And just how precious life is.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
How cute How naughty

Then i think that sums up Abi but yesterday she was mainly cute. On the way home form the aemy she fell asleep so i put her on her bed but she still had her coat on when she woke up she picked up a shopping bag (It was an outfit for her teddy from bear factory) and was stood at the top of the stairs holding this bag just as if she had come in from shopping. Then at the army last night she first of all was trying to do the actions to the song then in the last song when everyone was clapping she started clapping her teds paws together. As for the naughty well i guess just being a 2 year old. 
Sam was not to be outdone in the cuteness stakes and he turned his head to listen to the yp band. Its frighting to think that he is 5months old today where has the time gone? where has my baby gone?

Sam was not to be outdone in the cuteness stakes and he turned his head to listen to the yp band. Its frighting to think that he is 5months old today where has the time gone? where has my baby gone?
Friday, 16 January 2009
Food progress
We started sam off with baby rice he wasnt keen and didnt seem to be able to work out what to do. We then tried some potato same response. We carried on and he started getting better so up to two meals tried millk desserts he eat them vegetables no fruit yes. So we kept at it then he eat cauliflower but still nothing else. Then up to 3 meals and he loves porridge and does no wnt to do with the food now and slowly taking vegetables but loving his food is this just a typical boy? But his favorites are definatley millk based meals and fruit.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Food fright
we were both doing things when Sam suddenly was crying and when Ste investigated Abi had fed him some chocolate she was eating. She not tried this before although now were weaning she does want the bowl and spoon off you so she can do it so don't know if it cause she seen us doing it sow we have to watch her from now on.
sleep succes continued
Abi slept till 7 only thing is ste woke at 5 and then was worried because she hadnt disturbed.
Friday, 9 January 2009
big girl
As we have started weaning sam we need the highchair for him so we tried abi with her booster cushin on a chair at the table and she loved it. Thankfully so sam can happly go in the highchair why we eat as he dosent like being left in the lounge.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Sleep wars 3
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Sleep war 2
Last night Abi disturbed at 1o after Sam woke her, but after a tug of beds did settle and slept. Coming in once but staying put once taken back
Monday, 5 January 2009
when ste came home today he had a bunch of flowers for me which he gave to abigail to give me which she did with a big flourish and a proud grin. The flowers were to say thanks for looking after them.
Finally daddy gave in
We have been struggling with Abigail come into our bed in the middle of night and staying and it usually means Ste gives up and comes downstairs. She was tired we were defiantly tied and no good for everyone i told him when he started putting her in it would lead to problems. Anyway the health visitor recommended reading taming toddlers the chapter on sleep and implementing it she said it would only take a couple of nights. So we agreed we would do it at Christmas when Ste was off and we didn't have stuff on. But Abigail wasn't well so we didn't. But were going to do next weekend that was until last night when as usually she came in but was crying and Ste decided enougth was enougth lengthy so we started. It took quite a few returns to bed and then shutting her door and returning at increasing intervals but eventually she got back into bed and stayed there till Ste got up.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Friday, 2 January 2009
Thursday, 1 January 2009
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