Saturday, 1 December 2007

christmas decorations

Daddy got up early this morning well early for a Saturday he left me an Mummy in bed and went round to Grandads. mummy said he was going to fix his car there was something up with the wheel. So we stayed in i played and tried to help mummy wrap up presents but she kept me well away. At lunch time Mummy phoned to see how things were going and there had been a few problems daddy and Grandad had broke a wire getting to the wheel and had to go to the garage to order another one. Daddy was a bit upset as it cost a lot!!!!!

Daddy came home and we went out mummy said we were going to see Callum as it was his birthday. We had fun at Auntie Dawns i liked playing with the Lego. I fell asleep on the way there but when we arrived i woke up and next to me was a big green tree. Mummy said it was a Christmas tree. Worse still when we got home they put it in the lounge. Why!!!!!!!! Then mummy explained that they were going to decorate it and make the house look nice for Christmas.

Which is what they did when i woke up on Sunday it was decorated and there were lots of christmas things everywhere. The best thing about christmas so far has been the chocolate out of my advent calender.

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