Tuesday, 11 December 2007


We're back after a wonderful weekend away and a nightmare Journey back. Ste took me to London for the weekend to celebrate our anniversary. He wanted to do it in style this year as we had a quiet celebration last year, due to our liniment arrival. The surprise was tickets to see the phantom of the opera. Something i had wanted to see for ages and it was amazing the costumes and scenery and of course the music. We arrived on Friday and were staying round the corner from Oxford street so after leaving are bags we explored oxford street. Then headed back to change for the theatre. Saturday we did some more shopping with a visit to hamleys to buy a present for a special little lady. Then we did the tourist thing but as it was so wet we opted for a bus tour.

It was a lovely weekend one in which i was spoilt, it was so nice to spend some time together and we did miss Abi but did enjoy the break on our own. Abigail had a great time at nanny and grandads and didn't even notice we had gone.

Ste highlight was visiting Tower bridge mine was hamleys ant the theatre, but most of all Ste spoiling me, and reminding me just why i love him so much.

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