Uncle Peter keeps asking if I'm nervous about tomorrow i dont know why because i like going to see my friends and i am excited about daddy's birthday i think we are going to Nanny and grandad in the afternoon to celebrate daddy's birthday. I think Mummy is a bit sad because Grandad didn't get to see my dedication, but happy because its a special day. I have got a pretty dress to wear but i think its a bit big as it comes past my feet but Mummy said it is meant to. But here is a sneak preview of me in my dress.

Abigial Your dress is beautiful
You need yo remind mummy just cause grandad was not there in person he was there in you heart and watching you in heaven and we would be as pleased as you all were.
The day was fantastic and i bet you had lots of fun all that attention and presents.
will have to visit soon because i missed my cuddle! and of course i will make a macy dog cake. even if macy can'y eat it i'm sure you will be into it by then.
Hello Abi!
You were great yesterday, such a lady! Well done. Your mum and dad were well behaved too! Hee Hee!
Se e you soon for cuddles
lots of Love
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