Not got much to tell you Mummy and Daddy had a busy weekend. I got to wear my new dress but not sure about the thing Mummy kept putting on my head. But they did spend some time in the garden yesterday. Me and Mummy have been out today to get Daddy's Birthday present, i told mummy which colour i wanted. But cant tell you anymore. We also picked up some things for Sunday.

hey abi sounds like your all have lots of fun.
tell mummy and daddy if they need help shout.
and do me a favour asked daddy what he wants for his birthday he just keeps telling me nothing.
tell mummy and daddy by next year i will be able to make you all birthday cakes i started classes to day it was lots of fun i'm ging to make a doggy in a basket it wont be mackie not qiute that clever yet but maybe next time
big hugs love auntie rach
Hi Auntie Rachel
Its Macy birthday on boxing day and mine 28th December prehaps you will be able to make a macy cake by then. Although i think macy likes bones. I think you should ask Mummy what daddy wants? Although i think she struggled we went shopping and i got him something but its a secret till sunday.
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