Sunday 29 April 2007


Mummy and Daddy took me swimming. It was like being in a giant bath. Mummy dressed me in a special outfit she said it was a swimming costume it was red with white spots on and had a little skirt. They put me in to a seat and pushed me round the pool it was fun. Mummy kept saying kick my legs but i didn't. It was fun but the best was when Daddy pushed me and mummy round.

Then in the afternoon Grandad came round to help Daddy I'm not sure what they were doing, but they were at the top of tall ladders. Mummy was busy on the computer and tried to get me to sleep but i decided it was more fun to stay awake. So Mummy ended up sitting on my bedroom floor with me on her lap and the computer next to her. I'm not sure what she was up to but she was quite worried about it and a little bit upset.

Mummy then went out with Grandma, Auntie Val picked them up, Daddy said Mummy was going out with the songsters they were going to a place called Connors Quay and Mummy was nervous cause she was giving her testimony but Daddy said she would be fine and if she got upset to think of me and him smiling. I think it worked because some people told Daddy that she did well. I think my Mummies very clever and i love her and Daddy lots.

Mummy and Daddy moved some stuff out of the garage into the shed today and then we went up to see Nanny and Grandad and they gave me some more food but it just tastes of my milk and feels funny in my mouth i am not sure i like it.

Then we came home and i had a bath and then Mummy bathed Macy, Daddy says he is going to have a haircut on Tuesday. Anyway thats all my news for now love and cuddles Abigail

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